Good Morning planetary kin…
So today we perfect our vision through co-creation, guided by a united will to energise the potency of our creation… Manifesting the bigger picture comes thru joining with others, and allowing ancestral wisdom to influence us to let go of all but perfecting the task at hand…
Today is supported by Blue Planetary Eagle, guided by the Night, in the Worldbridger wavespell… Manifesting our capacity to move towards the new world of abundance for all beings, by allowing the space for our intuitive dreaming to inform us of the greater vision… Opportunities abound for creative dreaming within the networks we are drawn to, as we surrender all attachment to how the logical mind may perceive the manifestation of our creative projects to appear… Time to listen to still inner voice for guidance…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Planetary Wizard, guided by the Wind, in the Serpent wavespell… Manifesting the timeless receptivity to our breathing, which manifests more and more life force in our bodies, perfecting survival… Stop, become receptive and breathe…
Todays hidden gift is Red SelfExisting Earth, guided by the Skywalker, in the wavespell of the Wizard… Nahui Ollin – the face in the centre of the Aztec Calendar represents 4 Earth and speaks of the perpetual movement of the universe and its cycles, our capacity to be receptive to this, listening and exploring from our grounded centre, the movements of the universe…
So beloveds, blessed be and have the best day ever in this ever changing, ever evolving dance of synchronicity…
In lake’ch (I am another yourself) and if any out there feel to support this project of this years 13 Moon Journal to print, thru pre-ordering, donating monies, donating art (there is still 6 art pages to fill in the next couple of days), feel free to contact me

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