Hello beloved kin…
So today is the 3rd day of the Star wavespell…
Today we activate the bonds of love with our receptive and open hearts, anchoring more and more harmony into our lives, thru serving our families and loved ones…
We are supported today by Red Electric Moon, guided by the Skywalker, in the Hand wavespell… Activating the purification of our emotional bonds, to heal and awaken all that we flow with in our path…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Electric Sun, guided by the Seed, in the Mirror wavespell… Bonding with higher lore thru activating a deep independance that allows co-creation with others… This occurs between noon and sunset…
The hidden gift for today is Blue Spectral Monkey, self guided, in the Dragon wavespell… The signature of our illustrious captain, Jose Aruelles/Valum Votan… To release the joy that comes from truly caring and responding by pushing the boundaries of anything we take too seriously as our burdens in life… The Monkey comes to lighten the load and teach us to trust the harmonic patterns of love and joy and consciousness…
So beloveds enjoy this love filled day…
In lake’ch (I am another yourself)