Good Mornin Planetary Kin..

Today is the 12th day of a 13 day cycle, and the 259th day of the 260 day Tzolkin spin…

Today embraces the highest level of mind, for the mind to operate with other mind… In the old paradigm the number 12 represents competition, because the acknowledgement of spirit as the leader of the hierarchy of energy is not honoured, the result being that the 12’s natural co-operation becomes competition… Today is a day to transform this, by trusting the minds capacity for change… To allow a lot of energy to be generated through connecting with others in understanding the harmonic matrix of life and the connectivity of all in the sacred geometry of pattern we are all connected to… As we understand the pattern we can create more energy and play with the pattern, once we know the natural lore of the game of life… Catalysing the greatest changes we can imagine for the betterment of all beings…

We are supported in this today by Yellow Crystal Sun, guided by the Human, in the Moon cycle… As sovereign beings, we can be guided by the wisdom of our own experiences to shine the light on our capacity to communicate with others, creating the most wonderful communities… Sovereign minds are minds that are able to think for themselves based on the great wisdom that flows from ancestors past, learning from past errors and advances through tapping into the pure flow of consciousness…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Crystal Moon, guided by the Dragon, in the Mirror wavespell… To respond sensitively to the flow of Truth that reflect pure and caring thoughts – allowing us to cleanse all collective mind that may not reflect the nurturing of ourselves and other…

The hidden gift of today is White Lunar Wind, guided by the Wizard, in the Dragon wavespell… To anchor our capacity to respond immediately to birthing the new by becoming grounded in our breath… Breathing in a receptivity to new energies that assist the bEarthing process…

So beloveds enjoy this day, here it is raining raining raining which is apt for the wonder of this Storm day, we await the winds to follow as we birth the New Earth…


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