Become_a_Galactic_Human.230140421_stdThe 8th day of the Serpent wavespell, and the 7th GAP day brings the wisdom born of yesterdays intensity… As we integrate and honour our experiences, by fearlessly choosing to focus on our capacity to influence creation, and choose all that is enlivening to our lives, ensuring increased life force and survival…

Pre-dawn we may have dreams where our independence is integrated through being encouraged to trust our own knowing…

In the morning our intelligence will be illuminated as we feel we have direct access to pure consciousness when we are motivated to go beyond our fears… This brings a capacity to think independently, outside of the box, which integrates our survival…

imagesIn the afternoon, we may communicate openly and creatively envision our futures through connecting with people from very different worlds, encouraging no attachment to ownership of any vision as we see that it is all spirits vision, pouring through us all collectively…

This evening, we may focus on purifying our bodies, by just drinking liquids and immersing in water to bring balance, as our bodies re-organise to allow the flow of new energy that is pouring through us…

So beloveds another divine day of integration and balance in this wonderfully intense Serpent cycle…



2 Responses

  1. I found this to be very helpful as it provided a sense of linear time coupled with non-linear time. We all live in the dualistic state of both, so why not?

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