So beautiful people, here I am in Perth, Australia… After feeling such gratitude to Bali for holding me in its beauty and grace, the humble beauty of the Balinese people as they hold space in their deep and real everyday spiritual practise of prayer, tangibly anchoring the harmonic matrix for our planet… I put out the prayer that those that  are drawn there take time to feel the divinity of that prayer and let go of business consumerist need to own land and build, forcing the prices of land up and making it increasingly impossible for the Balinese to hold on to and own their own land… Yes we know we have watched the consumerist machine go everywhere, and it still needs to be shouted from the rooftops, ‘STOP THE MACHINE’, because we are not getting it yet…

Let us collectively awaken to the need to co-create with other to benefit all, let us listen to the ancestors and heed what has happened before, and begin to choose to humble ourselves, letting go of making profit, fame, glamour, perceived safety and make love and family with ALL of life, that inclusive love, where thinking and feeling what is the best for all beings and the Earth is ALWAYS the first choice…

I am so happy to be here in Perth and embarking on my journey of sharing my work… Here in Perth, where dear sistars are activating a mighty hub of tribe in the foothills of Armidale, a space so inspiring that we can all feel the power of tribe on their way to converge here, allowing and making magic happen! Since arriving yesterday I jumped straight into the alchemical cauldron of their cafe/healthfood kitchen, a wonderful experience of galactivated magic, as the most high vibe food and drink is served to a never-ending line of enthusiast patrons… Monkey on high, we all then went home to celebrate Willows bEarthday last night with wonderful friends from this magical portal in Perth, Western Australia…

And so on to today, back at the cafe and again people are flying in the door to taste, feel and be in the lusciousness of ‘The Organic Circle’… Today will be full of sessions and a Mayan Ceremony/Workshop this afternoon to share this divine ancient/future wisdom, contributing to the ongoing anchoring of the ancient/future harmonies of culture here in WA for the betterment of all consciousness…

Todays brings beautiful realisations of our cell-ves as solar star beings with access the to the wisdom of the ages thru the stars and the waters… Wisdom accessed thru harmonic matrices of consciousness, following natural patterns of creation… This 1320 Synchronometry is the perfect vessel for the ancient future wisdom that reprogrammes to harmony, assisting us to realise we have free-will choice… We can CHOOSE to align to harmony and release thousands of years of disharmonic power-over constructs, in favour of the beauty and potency of living in the beautiful and elegant design of natures most divine patterns…

Pre-dawn deep healing occurs as we open ourselves to the pulse of being catalysts of change… Healing frequencies pulse with the abundance that our great mother Gaia gives to us every day… To realise this healing thru honouring the intention of transformation, allowing collective shifts when we are guided by in-tuition… Intuition that is connected into the core crystal of our Earth mother, guided by her wisdom, a wisdom that the indigenous peoples of the world have a deep connection to…

This morning light pulses through us, as we join with others to seed yet more creativity as independent co-creators… Seeding harmonics that reverberate throughout consciousness as nodal points of light co-creating the elegant design of harmonies throughout all of life and consciousness…


This afternoon we breathe into right alignment, allowing time and space to realise the incredible wisdom available to us today, channeling deep truths that anchor us deeper into the inter-dimensional realms of spirit… Anchoring, each one, as receptive portals, to the timeless spirit truths that are reflected in each connection we make… Allowing communication to be direct, reflecting the truth of the endless order that pulses from deep receptivity to multi-dimensional realms…

This evening we find ourselves in a powerful flow that radiates from right timing… Send prayers that can sooth, calm and heal the waters of the Earth in order to assure our survival… Also send those prayers to the waters of our own bodies, and also the fluid etheric threads that connect to pure and brilliant consciousness, through this true wisdom is gifted and empowered…


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