Today we define synchronicity with the intelligence of our questioning, to think outside the box…. This leads us to measure our fearless independence to follow the synchronicities of Gaia, as she reveals her messages and timing to us, at work with PachaMama and her cycles… Revealing our highest evolution as we illuminate our minds intelligence to track light frequencies… Unbound by the structures of our societies numbing programmes, that play like a broken record of planetary destruction… Listening for and embracing the courage to ask the questions and fearlessly navigate the answers that lead to living the life we are all born to live on our beautiful Planet Earth…

Predawn we measure the courage it takes to be guided by the bigger picture and allow old thought forms to be transformed… To have a mind that is alive and energized with the possibilities of the new, revealing a fearless dedication to transforming the old paradigm, embracing strong visions with our creative mind that leads to strong change…

From sunrise we are dedicated to expanding our intelligence by choosing to face our fears, to set our sights on the cosmos and quest-i-on humanities role as we look to our ancestors, those born and unborn to understand from their choices, what are the most wise steps forward for all of consciousness…

This afternoon we measure healing through surrendering to the compassionate mind that knows all as connected in the web of life… The mind that lets go of judgement and merges with all that has been, bringing a greater knowing, a greater understanding and compassion for all actions, past, present and future in the radial connectedness of all time, accomplishing deep healing for all…

From sunset we perfect the art of nurturing, honouring the mother as embodying the true wisdom of choosing to care for the children, the earth, the waters and all of life… Purifying all that has been as we honour our old ones in all their choices, and take up our responsibility to care for all… Here is the true leader of the village, the mothers, that exhibit the responsibility for the people, and in this gain the natural influence of a caring self responsible way…

So beloveds in this divine jigsaw of consciousness, let us go forth in our days, and test and quest-i-on these divine solar transmissions, to see for our-cell-ves the reality of this harmonic matrix…

Blessed be dear hearts, Blessed be the Earth, Blessed be our Great Mother!


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