Unconditional love here pierces to the core of the harmonic order, revealing the endless patterns of right order, of pure law, anchoring the multidimensional nature of the timeless and endless order of the receptive darkness pf the great womb that allows all to merge as one in the depths of the heart of loves loyalty to pure consciousness… The endless order of the sacred geometric/uni-metric/source-metric patterns of ever -evolving connectivity…
Personally this day reflects the endless order of truth, a day where heart swords are honed, to reflect all that is not needed on the journey home in clear devotion to the heart of pure love, pure consciousness, an endless, timeless journey home to eternity, through many dimensions and portals…
Today we realise that pure love is not a sugar coated acceptance of all that surfaces, but a sword finely honed that strips away all that is not necessary for a beings journey to the heart of consciousness… Reflecting the unnecessary and feeling the alignment as source connects and mergence of the all is possible, as one understands oneself as other, connected to all of life… Ah the beauty of this journey…
Predawn a solid nurturing presence pulses into our dreams, a solid caring for the constructs of all that has been, an honouring of the ancestors and family that allows our forward movement into awakening… The capacity to listen and respond to the pulses of synchronicity and timing, guided to evolve by sharing and caring for all that receive the blade… Realising ourselves in the pattern of birthing an ever-expanding, awakening…
This morning we anchor deep, loving and timeless space in order to bridge worlds and surrender more deeply to the heart… Pulsing a deep heart-felt receptivity, devoted to letting go all attachment to points of view and choosing to allow receptivity and non-duality to pulse through us and realise us as open vehicles of pulsing threads that bridge worlds, to initiate the weaving of greater and greater webs of harmonic connection…
This afternoon a focus on co-creating harmony that is pulsing from the harmonic Source matrix… Realising the potential for beauty as we join as independent light beings co-creating new potentials for a New Time… The challenge that strengthens is to not go back to nursing the wounds of our egos, but to step forward into the harmonic matrix, and shine ones light on co-creating beauty with others, taking ones place as a nodal point in the ongoing patterns of evolution…
This evening we find empowerment through trusting our intuition, through trusting that change is happening in the collective unconscious, as we are drawn forward towards answering Earths contract of ‘abundance for all beings’… Trusting that magic is afoot and deep change is being empowered. To trust that all that is reflected today empowers the dreaming of abundance for all beings, guided by the childlike inner-sense of our own hearts… The power to dream the dream of pure love, light filled magic and all beings having their needs met….
Blessed be dear ones… be stripped bare, and anchored in the heart of unconditional love…