Today is the 4th day of the Warrior wave spell… Today we define our mission, guided by the creative mind to the infinite possibilities that are available once we find the appropriate quest-i-ons… To define fearlessness, as allowing our minds to change once we see the greater vision or the bigger picture, catalysing far-reaching transformation…

Predawn illuminating truth enters our subconscious as the fuel that energises our day…

This morning we may choose to sit back and observe so that our choices are informed and wise…

This afternoon we develop a sensitivity to plucking ideas from universal pure consciousness, ideas that are initiatory doorways between worlds…

This evening we may have conversations with beloveds that serve to awaken from patterns that have been confining, as we communicate directly from our hearts in devotion to the greater awakening…

So beloveds a wonderful day (or year, if your birthday is today) of transformation, as we fearlessly awaken new ways of perceiving and a greater capacity for catalysing change…


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