Today free will choice is measured by how we use it to align to the elegant design of pure consciousness, in harmony, with creative and beautiful thinking…  We look to the wisdom of the ancients and the outcomes that occurred, when they aligned their thinking creatively, in alignment with the natural lore of our planet and universe… To define the knowing of our place in the order of things, honouring that we are all from the stars… That indeed just as our Sun, the local star we orbit, our hearts also shine from a centre of light that creates worlds to orbit around us, should we choose to acknowledge and flow with this… Ancient star wisdom defines our connection to the Universal Water of the universe, and it is our choices according to this that measure the wisdom we carry… Choices based on having our minds in a state of harmony…

Predawn the full potential of co-creating the New Time comes from knowledge that filters into our dreams, through the sub-conscious, pre-conscious and subliminal conscious mind… It is in these places that the knowing of the healing of our collective mind from a place of lack, to a place of knowing abundance for all beings, measures the form the New Time shall take… The knowing that we will accomplish abundance for all beings…

This morning we may honour this day as a sparkly opportunity to realign our minds to the possibility of co-creating with forward thinking and release of limitation… Defining raw life force, which initiates the instinct to survive, as the minds capacity to focus on beautiful thought acknowledging the connectedness of all things, which allows the spark of life to grow a flame, our vitality to become enlivened and energised… Maintaining a positive and creative outlook allows life to grow….

This afternoon we transform, as the truth of spirit talk channels through us, cutting through all thought forms that no longer serve us, so that more pure energy is available to us, to make a difference… The pure reflection of the endless order of truth…

This evening synchronicity may flow and sparkle… A great time to purify and bathe, that we may hear the Earths messages directly and feel her directly in our veins, her cycles, her turnings, that support us to shine our greatest light, as we align more purely with her essence…

So beloved ones, a wonderful day to honour our ancestors, as they revered the Mother, and passed down the star stories, that lay in our pre-conscious minds… Listen, purify, know and choose to co-create harmony in this New Time… All my love to the mothers, that they may be happy, as we re-align into abundance for all beings…


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