Good Morning beautiful Kin…

Today allows us to explore our expanding consciousness in order to birth a more potent sensitivity and radiance, taking command of our capacity to empower New Time…

Todays predominant colour is red, the fire, to initiate, so today we take command by exploring our dedication to the journey of New Time, New Culture… Empowered today with collective expansion and awakening, responding to the flow of pure consciousness… Be commanding with your prayers today as you radiate them out to the far reaches of the cosmos, for the birthing of this New Time…

Predawn the power of receptive surrender enters our collective unconscious, to bridge worlds in order to see that all is of spirit… To command a place of divine let go to empower the breath of spirit to breathe us as doorways, initiators in the New Time, the New Planetary Culture… Today is a powerful day to expand with Universal Water, radiating her ripples of purified awakening, expanding in the waters, expands the water molecules of our own bodies leading to purification… Drink lots of water today, swim, pray and be with the water…

This morning we awaken to the power born of responding to the flow of synchronicity… Where we are listening are able to move step by step through our morning, answering to the calling of the moment, responding in a caring and nurturing way…

This afternoon we are empowered by trusting our in-tuition which is connected to the powerful dream of transformation on our planet… To radiate the magic of this dreaming as ‘abundance for all beings’… To be in command as inner-scent children playing in the abundance of change… Change agents for New Time, New Culture…

This evening we are gifted with revelations of the divine potential for harmony as we recognise through our expansion today that we are all star beings… From this we may set intention for harmony, as we weave together as co-creators with the most divine solar intelligence… Weaving the web of Sacred Geo-metries, sacred patterns of Source, realising ourselves as bright lights that are awakening to shine again, re-empowering the foundation natural matrix by pulsing light harmonies of starry creation…

Blessed be dear hearts, may today bring us the expansion to awaken to our responsibilities to connect with the pure consciousness that empowers each one of us as star beings, here to ignite the New Time, New Culture…

Love to all, Peace to all, Light to all!!!



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