Today is the fourth day of the Wind cycle where channeling spirit through dance, sound, communication and writing is the name of the game… Today we activate our capacity to channel, and allow the moment to flow through us by focusing on co-creating beauty… As we look to the Seed today we ask, how do we serve our greatest potential to grow into pure and beautiful harmony, through serving Spirit? How to co-create harmony? How to focus our energies collectively in service to activating our highest potential, opening and flowering of awareness in the most elegant and collective way? How do we activate the most harmonious growth?
Predawn catalytic visions may have entered our dreamtime… Visions that expand our consciousness, serve the awakening and are highly transformative… Our dreams may be fast-paced with a strong sense of the witness, no matter how dire the dreams may become, activating the witness will allow for perspective, flying may have been present in our dreaming this morning… This serves to prepare us for a day of witnessing life from very different perspectives than we are used to, able to be open for change…
This morning we may serve through connecting with others, creatively bridging worlds to access those of influence who are activating and ready to serve to bring more beauty into our world… To choose to create with others will activate a wonderful surrendering of attachment to outcomes, and open us to creating beauty in the moment with the spirit of what is…
This afternoon we may become still and anchored as we look to ancient wisdom, stories of the past that serve to activate a depth of truth, only accessible when we enter a timeless receptivity… This activates the wisdom of sensing the choices that serve all, through acknowledging and bonding with the ancestors that came before us…
This evening synchronicity may emerge to spell our freedom, when we are listening and available to the moments unfolding… Signs that trigger old patterns assisting with the release of them, as we feel, heal and let go, in order to embrace the future potentials, unbridled by old patterns and hurts…
So beloveds a wonderful day of being open to focusing together with others on where we are headed, activating co-creations of the most beautiful futures, where this then serves a deep receptivity and willingness to listen for what is needed, to release in order for those future visions to become realities… Enjoy the shift!