Today is the 4th day of the Wind wavespell of channeling spirit… Today we define what it is to channel, through the primal mind and its capacity to respond instinctively to currents of energy entering in through the cerebral vortex…
Today is guided by the desire to birth a deeper connection to spirit.
Predawn the cognition of the web of consciousness finds its way into our dreamscape, revealing patterns that weave inter-connectivity throughout all of consciousness… A portal of magic is opened…
This morning we are guided by the happenstance of synchronicity, to define the responsibilities that bring order into our lives… This leads us to reflect upon what it takes to bEarth the new order…
This afternoon we define free will by trusting ourselves to make the choice, that leads towards the greatest possibilities that our creative minds can envision…
This evening we manifest a deep sense of accomplishment through focusing, beyond fear, growing with our missions, towards the vision of co-creating a future potential as the goal…
So beloveds another day of weaving this web of evolution through allowing spirit to reveal the way to birth the New Time!