Today is the 9th and peak day of this Wind wave spell, as the previous 8 days have built the energy of spirit to be pulsing strongly through us today… And in my physical reality the Wind outside is huge… Today we realise that Spirit communicates through us when we are surrendered to the heart, in unconditional devotion to Love…
Bhakti is the path of devotion, to sing and dance our devotion, the path of heart… The song that unites all in love… Channeling pure heart song in dedication to spirit allows the greatest Bhakti to flow through us… Today is Saraswati day in the Dreamspell… Surrendering to the heart and allowing the heart to sing through us and connect with the heart family… La familia de corazon… Devotion to the beloved Goddess of Uncondtional Love unrestricted by the physical plane… Love just love…
Predawn a sense of purity pulses through us, to birth anew a vitality that brings an igniting pulse to our morning, an awakening to the most divine and sensitive flow of the purity of spirit…
This morning devotion to Spirit is present… Communicating truth that bridges worlds, a realisation of truth as the nectar that weaves webs of opportunity… As we communicate clearly it allows right alignment to be realised, to know which opportunities are ours to receive and follow…

This afternoon we are guided to question the polarity of dependence (deep-end-dance) and independence (in-deep-end-dance), to realise the path of wisdom, the path where we choose to honour those that came before, and honour that dependence that allows us to independently and courageously shine our light as a realised human being, at the front line of our blood line…
This evening we find our power through trusting the changes that occur, allowing healing to radiate through and from us… To be catalysts of change, as we push the boundaries of illusion, to uncover the self-imposed restriction that hold us blind and create illness… To push the edges of perceived realities that limit us, brings the power for change and healing, as we learn to command infinite possibilities for accomplishment in our lives…
So beloveds a divine day of unconditional love for self which then pulses out to all in this great weaving matrix of spirit… A day of deep surrender and devotion to spirit… And for those with bEarthdays today, a year where this is the evolutionary learning for this year… Blessed be dear ones…