Good Morning beloved kin…

So today we begin the 20th and final 13-day cycle of the 260-cycle of the Tzolkin, and it is the Star cycle or Wavespell… The Star represents beauty, harmony and elegant design, and so on this last cycle of the Tzolkin from Kin 248-260 we are working with creativity and what it is to be a true TIME is ARTIST!! for the very fact that we are born with a blank canvas on which to create the greatest beauty we can!

Today we attract the beauty of the elegant design of the harmonic order, sacred geometries revealed in nature and the order of beauty that sparkles with this divine light that is reflected from the green of nature and the blue of the seas…

Pre-dawn the dolphin, monkey nature of joy and trusting and chip-like innocence was attracted into our dreaming…

This morning the beauty abounds in nature and creative endeavour…

248 colourThis afternoon we attract order and cut away all that is no longer necessary, so that the truth and clarity of our realities is revealed, mirroring and reflecting the connections to this endless order of consciousness unravelling each moment…

This evening we may have strong connection with the stars, as we explore further into the cosmos than we have before, a divine expression is called for as we flow with the beauty of the ever greater expanses of the cosmos…

So beloveds a divine day to be and attract the new energies which will play out over the next 13 days… ENJOY!


5 Responses

  1. Thanks for all the effort and sharing!!
    I love you for doing this!! Very inspiring and to
    Know the connection is without boundaries is just..mmm!!!!!!!
    !! like that !! ((-:
    In Lak’ech, Martijn Koot

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