Hola dear hearts from deep in the mountains of Pacha Mama…

So today we begin the new cycle with Kin 144… The 13th number of the Fibronacci pattern… There is a story that it is either 144 or 144,000 people that hold the same thought form and then it joins the collective conscious… If anyone out there has a download on that, would love the clarification….

Either way 144 is a pretty amazing number, made more amazing as we see its connection here to Yellow Magnetic Seed, the beginning of the Seed cycle of focalising all energy towards it highest potential…

On the third day of this cycle, which is gregorian terms is Wed 10 Dec, we begin again 10 days of Galactic Activation Portals or in lay-wo/man’s terms, 10 days where the dimensional doorways are open and new energy is being anchored into the collective consciousness… Be aware and test this for yourself, do not take my word for it… Play explore and bare witness in order to learn… Blessed be…


1 Seed – collective focus, growing awareness, highest potential

2 Serpent – vitality, life force, instinct, survival

3 Worldbridger – death, surrender, initiate, door-keeper

4 Hand – knowledge, accomplishment, healing

5 Star – creativity, harmony, beauty, art

6 Moon – flow, purify, sensitivity

7 Dog – love, heart, loyalty

8 Monkey – magic, trust, innocense

9 Human – wisdom, free will, influence

10 Skywalker – explore, expand, awaken

11 Wizard – receptive, anchor, timeless

12 Eagle – vision, creative mind, bigger picture

13 Warrior – fearless, intelligence, quest-i-on


1 So todays story begins with a Seed… Full of the potential of the forest, with the intention to grow to its greatest flowering…

2 And so the Seed sets its roots deep into the Earth, gathering vitality as it listens for the synchronic messages that guide it to experience greater life force shared in the natural cycles of instinctively following Pacha Mamas cycles… Neither sprouting forth too quickly, nor too slowly, but in the perfect timing for survival to be ensured…

3 Reaching out to bridge worlds that promise a growing with love… Weaving, activating growth with the spark of connection, finding its place in the pattern, included in the matrix at the heart of all life… Surrendered to fully opening to the new information received…

4 In this it received the knowledge that it was part of Pacha Mamas abundance, sending its roots deeper down into the dark womb that holds the dreaming of abundance for all being…. And so the Seed knew intuitively beyond a doubt its role in the plan for our planet, to become the abundance, to accomplish the dreaming that is held in the collective unconscious of all of life…

5 And so the Seed, found itself empowered through the command of life itself to be creative, of creation itself, radiating powerfully as a divine art form of the beauty full elegance of the divine design of nature…

6 And so the Seed received the pure water of Pacha Mama, as it flowed up its burgeoning stem, flowing and growing, allowing all it had received to inform the growth into a healthy balanced life… The pure essence of life that encourages the leverage or levity to grow up…

7 And so the Seed rose with a sense of connectedness that inspired it to rise fuelled by its sense of connection to all of life, and the oxygen breathing through the very heart of its rising stems, received through all its sisters and brothers encouraging it to grow, just as it resonated and encouraged all others to grow along side it… One great symphony of life rising to its unseen destination of highest potential…

8 As the Seed grew, the magic of ever higher vision integrated, as it saw fractals and began to trust ever deeper the divine and magical design of this great life… As it rose it was guided by that higher vision to follow the magical patterns weaving nature, climbing every higher, envisioning the divinity of itself flying with Father Sky – Pacha Kamak…

9 The wisdom that came with trusting in the divine design, brought the realisation that at some point it would fully flower as creation itself… Pulsing with the creative force of its own divine will to rise to its ever greater realised potential…

10 And so this mighty Seed, now at flowering was birthed to own expansive exploration of the cosmos… Awakening, exploring ever further its responses to the physical world around, expanding and birthing open to the Cosmos…

11 Highly receptive to the information that the Cosmos shared, it became a  and transmitting it back down as vitality that fed the Earth and was liberated from the growth, becoming a portal of timeless cosmic enchantment… Highly receptive to anchoring the energy that brought the liberation of being the gateway for the cosmic essence to be received into the consciousness of life… The rising energy liberated through anchoring its vibrant gift of life down, deep into the Earths folds, enchanted by a timeless receptive opening to all of life and the cosmos…

12 The Planetary Mind was able to dedicate the knowledge received to seeding ever greater visions for the Earth as a part of its ever growing CosmoVision… The knowledge received brought new and healing creative thoughts that served the all of life on our beloved planet…

13 And so the solar intelligence of Source consciousness became focussed on the ongoing mission of Earths evolution… Ever on the quest to fearlessly allow Source to flower deeply in the consciousness rooted here on Earth…


Oh Beloved Seed we thankyou for your journey… Ever in gratitude for the growing of this New Time…


4 Responses

  1. Aloha Thank you for this confirms my FB tribal thought re portal opening 12.12.2014.Gratitude to you for your work.How is Television show going.I am in Auckland looking after my aged mother who had a fall.Blessings Auntie White Dove.

    1. Hola Auntie White Dove… Well I am in Peru, so the Television show is disrupted this month due to internet not so reliable… but it is fun to share in that format… sending love to you and your aged mother… bless

  2. Hopefully the person who emailed me around copyright issues with an image on this post, will read this as I accidentally deleted your email… I am very happy to communicate with you around this, if you could resend the email I would appreciate it…
    Blessings Vasumi

  3. Hola dear sister. I see you’re in Peru presently and just wanted to let u know that I’ve a great friend living in the northern mountains of Peru, she’s part of a anti mining protest movement and is currently marching from the mountains to Lima in peaceful protest. Let me know if you’re interested in meeting her… Sending love & light your way

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