Welcome to the Cycle of the Flow and Purification gifted to us direct from Pure Consciousness…

1 MAGNETIC Attraction – MOON Flow, Purify, Universal Water

2 LUNAR Stabilisation – DOG Love, Heart, Loyalty

3 ELECTRIC Activation – MONKEY Play, Magic,

4 SELFEXISTING Definition – HUMAN Free Will, Wisdom, Influence

5 OVERTONE Empowering – SKYWALKER Explore, Expand, Awakening

6 RHYTHMIC Balancing – WIZARD Receive, Anchor, Timelessness

7 RESONANT Inspiring – EAGLE Vision, Creative Mind,

8 GALACTIC Integrating – WARRIOR Fearless, Questioning, Intelligence

9 SOLAR Realising – EARTH Evolution, Synchronicity, Navigation

10 PLANETARY Manifesting – MIRROR Reflect, Endless, Order

11 SPECTRAL Releasing – STORM Transformation, Energy, Self-Generation

12 CRYSTAL Co-operating – SUN Enlightenment, Life, Light

13 COSMIC Transcendance – DRAGON Birth, Being, Nurturing

Holly Sierra - Divine ChildThis cycles story tells us of those born with a pure connection to consciousness untainted by overlaying conditioning… A clear flow of consciousness that purifies the disharmonic overlay of ‘power-over’ conditioning…

1 There was a boy that was born attracting pure brilliance… The purifying energy that seeks impurity to cleanse… From the impurities of the muddied pond to the crystal-clear flow of the mountain stream, as a metaphor for all that we come face to face with in living this life…

2 The love that surrounded him, anchored the flow from heart to heart… Teaching that the flow of pure love was available to him through communicating love… Learning that connection with others was the fluid that enabled brilliance to flow… Creating an ever-expanding circle of family connected through the pure heart, with the love of each other…

3 This purity activated the capacity to trust what was seen and felt together, in the spirit of play… Wonderful new games were created where magic was envisioned that enhanced the flow of creativity…

4 Through play harmony was learnt, and in turn chosen… The wisdom of his experiences and those of his wise elders, directed choices toward greater creativity and artful beauty… Going with the flow was defined as the free will choice to be positively creative…

5 This child became empowered to explore his natural responses to care and nurture others, and in this he found others could also become empowered to explore, becoming powerfully awake through taking on mutual responsibility to expand with the flow of purity…

6 This brought balance through an open and grounded, timeless receptivity to all that came…

7 This receptivity inspired creative action and accomplishment, with far-reaching vision that brought healing…

8 These visions became integrated through independent questioning of all that was… Sovereign intelligence integrated the connection to the brilliance of purifying consciousness…

9 The realisation of pure consciousness came with a willingness to explore all that had been throughout the cycles of evolution, stretching back beyond the presently known, with openness to awakening consciousness… Listening for the signs and synchronicity that coded future steps that naturally flowed from the evolution of all that had been…

10 Pure consciousness flowed into manifestation through the capacity to kinnect clearly with all beings… Many worlds were bridged in the flow of pure kin-nection, perfecting in the reflection of truth, the pure brilliance of all…

11 In the purity and clarity of life patterns uncovered, outmoded energy released, to be what it truly was, pure energy that catalysed freedom for change, gifted through the flow of pure brilliance…

12 In this way the collective mind became illuminated, as choices were made to think outside the box and to be open for the wisdom that flowed down through the ages…

13 The presence of purity became transcendental as the flow of energy surged into initiating new creation that nurtured New Time presence…

And so we all grew into the pure brilliance that was ordained from the beginnings of Time and the waters of the Earth were cleansed!!!

I would like to introduce a few friends blogs here to receive further inspirations of this cycle…

Red Moon Wavespells from Mariela Maya, and AstroDreamAdviser



One Response

  1. blessed be sistar monkey may the moon radiate upon troubled waters and purify our hearts and minds…inlakech a la kin loving youuuuuuuuuuuuuu<3

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