RED DRAGON WAVESPELL, Kin 1-13: Sat 4 – Thu 16 April; Planetary Moon 1-13
Welcome to a new 260-day cycle of the Tzolkin…
What with Full Blood Moon Eclipses occurring on the birthing of a new cycle, we have the Green Light to Birth the New Earth!!! It will take internal focus to come into alignment with what is of the most essence-tial… Along with a new 260-day cycle, we have the beginning of the 10th of 13 Moons (28 days) of this Red Solar Moon year (365 days)… This is a highly auspicious beginning wherein we are truly given the go-ahead to embrace the remembrance of what it takes to birth a time where the feminine attributes of ‘Being’ will be celebrated… Where the Dragon can finally stop breathing fire and allow its more gentle aspects of nurturing and caring to reveal themselves, as its response-ability is respected and we finally begin to break down the walls of fear within the collective… And if not well the fire will respond when needed… So what will it be for you in this cycle – the fire of protective survival, or the nurturing that comes with respect and caring…
1 MAGNETIC – attract; DRAGON – birth, being, nurturing
2 LUNAR – stabilise; WIND – channel, communicate, breath
3 ELECTRIC – activate; NIGHT – intuition, dream, abundance
4 SELFEXISTING – define; SEED – target, awareness, growth
5 OVERTONE – empower; SERPENT – instinct, survival, life force
6 RHYTHMIC – organise; WORLDBRIDGER – death, opportunity, let go
7 RESONANT – attune; HAND – knowledge, healing, accomplishment
8 GALACTIC – integrate; STAR – harmony, beauty, art
9 SOLAR – realise; MOON – flow, purify, universal water
10 PLANETARY- manifest; DOG – love, heart, loyalty
11 SPECTRAL – liberate; MONKEY – trust, magic, joy
12 CRYSTAL – co-operate; HUMAN – free will, wisdom, influence
13 COSMIC – presence; SKYWALKER – explore, expand, awaken
So let us follow this story as a guide to show us the ways forward…
I dedicate this story to Mark who was born as Overtone Serpent into this cycle of the Dragon…
1 There was once a boy who felt a deep response-ability to living life fully in the here and now… He carried with him memories of far-distant times where Dragons were real and respected, and the ways of the world were bathed in the Light of Source… In this he was very present with whatever needed attention around him, and he responded with a nurturing caring nature, which came from his deep remembrance of the Source of all life…
2 To be present in this physical plane, he anchored deeply into his breath, receptive to what his body needed, to be present in the here and now… His breathing slowed when he was receptive, and quickened when he felt challenged… And in this he came to regulate his breath to open to more of life and feel his part in the innate creation with Spirit… As he listened more intently to this he found he could build his lung capacity and receive the breath of spirit deeper and it would take him to very altered states of presence, while anchored deeply in his physical body, here and now…
3 A deep in-tuition was activated in him in this way, as he was guided by a deep inner knowing that sparked healing and served to release energy that did not reflect the perfect order of truth… He had a deep inner sense of how to heal any sense of lack he felt around him, and would respond to this lack by sharing his deep inner knowing of ‘abundance for all beings’… A memory he held from deep within the source of his being…
4 From the roots of this feeling of abundance, his mind would focus on the highest potentials possible and his awareness would grow as a plant guided by the light of the Sun… He would gather with others and bring an awareness of the possibilities of creation that could grow with single-pointed focus, with each being accessing their sovereignty and a willingness to work together with illumined minds… He was the centre point that assisted to keep their minds focused on the potentials, through enlightened thought…
5 A strong life force began to radiate from him as he opened to explore further… A powerful and radiant sense of awakening, commanding his instinctive urges to expand more widely into the moment, realising the importance of questioning the wisdom of fear – What fear was based in the reality of instinctive survival, and what was simply memory of a now illusory past? This brought an empowerment, a powerful command of the Space around him, as he opened to explore and expand further into the domains of birthing the new…
6 And so he bridged and traversed many worlds, connecting with opportunities to gather the resources that came to him through his willingness to explore… Surrendered to opening doorways, organising to share the resources he received with many, bringing equality to all and a sense of balance and rightness to his being… He felt good and right and able to say ‘It is a good day to die’, for the fullness that was packed into his every day…
7 He became inspired as he gathered the knowledge of many things, through the worlds he traversed… He felt his resonance brought the energy of change to others through all that he had gathered and known… He became proficient at bringing an element of catalytic healing to all that he did and connected with and others were inspired by his accomplishments…
8 His mind integrated his experiences by choosing artful ways of creating harmony and beauty, and in this he saw deeper the patterns of creation… This brought him to look to the ancient wisdom paths, guiding his mind to a deeper understanding of what it was to choose harmony… The fractal nature of life was modelled in different wisdom cultures he explored, encouraging him to weave and model his own creative path… The understanding of choice ‘to create or destroy’ became apparent and he chose to live as a co-creator in alignment with all of life…
9 Guided by his instincts he came to flow with life, realising himself as a drop in the ocean of pure consciousness pulsing itself… The life force flowed within him, as kundalini fire pulsing with the intention to purify and merge with divine consciousness…
10 With that his manifestations came direct and clearly guided from the pure heart, and temples of oneness were produced, where people came together from the heart, connecting in the reflection of truth the order that births love … Birthing temples where the feng shui of love reflected the one-heart family…
11 And so he released into the magical freedom born of seeing all as connected, enjoying fractals that revealed deeper and deeper levels of inter-connectivity… Within the patterns he found liberation, seeing the heart as the force that ignited the joy of life and he felt free to play and release all sense of response-ability, to play in the waves of consciousness, with the innateness of connection that comes with innocence and trust…
12 And so he shared the great wisdom gained, with the community, seeding sagely innocence by focusing on co-creating from ancient-future memory, the birthing of the New Earth, where ‘co-operation’ became the focus…
13 And so in deep presence he listened for the messages that allowed him to navigate all past, present and future evolution, in his exploration he awoke to the nature of vaster dimensions of space… The continuing presence of awakening and opening to all that is, was and ever will be, and he became…
This dedicated to you beloveds, may you find yourself in this story and these words… May they illuminate further your path to understanding yourself and the simple nature of the harmonic matrix…
Blessed be in Deep and Loving Gratitude for your presence…
Wow beauty that is a song made by a dear friend of mine in Byron years ago.. Elen Evolove… love to see that it is sailing the oceans… love you beauty xxxx
Hi there true one.
Merrilyn from 9th Gate Bali.
I am a Red galactic dragon. Is the 23 april my birth day?
i have seen your facebook pics at the Heart of An.. Luck you. My Dream to be there is coming. I did attend the 11th gate in Peru. All my Love and dreaming on xoxo
Hi Merrilyn… just found your message… Red Galactic Dragon was on April 24th – my birthday… So this year I get to experience what that means… So perhaps we may meet in the physical this year, that would be lovely to see you again… and Yes I was living down the road from Solara and so we had a few visits which was lovely… such an amazing temple they are creating… sending love dear one xxx