13 STEPS TO WISDOM – Yellow Human Wavespell

The Story of the Yellow Human… 1 Purpose – Free Will, Wisdom, Influence 2 Stabilise – Explore, Awaken, Expand 3 Activate – Receptivity, Enchant, Timelessness 4 Define – Vision, Create, Mind 5 Empower – Intelligence, Fearlessness, Quest-i-on 6 Balance – Evolve, Synchronicity, Navigate 7 Inspire – Reflect, Order, Endlessness 8 Integrate – Self-Generate, Catalyse, Energy […]

Yellow Sun Wavespell 4, Kin 40-52

Welcome to the Wavespell of Enlightenment, a time to connect direct to Source… A time to shine brightly, independent (the in-deep-end-dance) and sovereign… Yellow Magnetic Sun, Kin 40 Today as always at the beginning of a cycle, we attract the new frequency that flavours the next 13 days, and todays flavour is the Sun… Radiating […]

Mayan Dreamspell Webinar 2 this week

Join us in this Mayan Dreamspell Webinar and learn the 20 Universal Truths that govern TIME! Learn 13 Steps to Manifestation and beyond. www.timewaves.org

Learn to Track Natural Time

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Red Cosmic Moon year – July 26 2018 – July 25 2019

Welcome to the RED COSMIC MOON Year. This is such a POTENT year! The 13th year of a 13-year cycle of PURIFICATION with the RED MOON. This year has been prepared for by learning to co-create in the previous Yellow Crystal Seed year. We learnt to quest-i-on any fears around coming together to use our collective […]

Red SelfExisting Serpent, Kin 225

Being bathed in the first rays of light shining in my window. The Serpent and the Sun greet! My mind reaches out full of hope to meet the brilliance of this new day!
The energy in my body awakens and I meet the beauty with the instinctive knowing that we have a new chance at co-creating beauty today.

Lions Gate 8.8, Thoths’ Emerald Tablets & Mayan Calendars

LIONS GATE 8.8.16 I have been seeing many folk talking and writing about the Lions Gate Portal of 8.8, and at the same time speaking of the New Year of 26 July… What astounds me is that, the information is all very generic, there is no detail, no depth, just concepts, no basis for ongoing […]