BLUE HAND WAVESPELL, Kin 27-39: Thurs 30 April – Tues 12 May; Planetary Moon 27- Spectral Moon 11

Welcome all to the 13-day cycle of the Hand, bringing forth Healing, Knowledge and Accomplishment…

1 MAGNETIC – attract; HAND – knowledge, healing, accomplishment

2 LUNAR – stabilise; STAR – beautify, art, elegance

3 ELECTRIC – activate; MOON – purify, flow, universal water

4 SELFEXISTING – define; DOG – love, heart, loyalty

5 OVERTONE – empower; MONKEY – magic, play, illusion

6 RHYTHMIC – organise; HUMAN – free will, wisdom, influence

7 RESONANT – attune; SKYWALKER – explore, space, wakefulness

8 GALACTIC – integrate; WIZARD – receive, anchor, timeless

9 SOLAR – realise; EAGLE – create, mind, vision

10 PLANETARY- manifest; WARRIOR – fearlessness, question, intelligence

11 SPECTRAL – liberate; EARTH – navigate, evolve, synchronicity

12 CRYSTAL – co-operate; MIRROR – reflect, endless, order

13 COSMIC – presence; STORM – transform, energy, catalyst


As always we share these wisdom teachings through the revelations of ‘story’…

1. There was once a child that was born receptive to the forces around him, he came in with a deep reflective, yet sharp response to patterns, seeming to know so much and driven to know so much more… He was always moving, fascinated by so many things that kept him on the go, wanting to learn as much as possible… Coupled with a strong will, he frequently, in his eagerness to learn, would have accidents, with the need to heal…

  1. This drove him into nature, where he felt the natural beauty ground and help to heal… He loved nothing less than to go into the forests on his own, guided by the sunlight, in wonder at natures creation and how its geo-metric make-up connected everything to everything else, one big living organism… He came to trust in the magic of seeming polarities, that proved to stabilise the most elegant design of natures co-creative relationships and in this he relaxed deeper into the experience of his own body, reflecting on its creation and connection in that elegant design…

3. In this he excitedly explored his natural flow, awakening to the purity of his natural expression… He found that the patterns of nature influenced him, that his emotional expression had a sensitivity and purity in nature, that bypassed any false conditioning that was around him…

  1. His mind developed from a place beyond separation, seeing himself as one with other, as influenced by nature… With his mind surrendered to his heart, he felt compassion for what others resisted in themselves and did not want to show… He could see and love the shadow that was hidden in others, guided by a compassion that drew him to opportunities to bridge the gap and weave the web of connection…
  2. He trusted the process of change, was empowered by it, as he flowed naturally with the patterns of life, celebrating change rather than resisting it… He radiated a child-like inner-sense as he playfully pushed boundaries, constantly commanding greater change, experiencing energy transformation to follow magical patterns of natural lore from which he learnt…

6. He was drawn to the slightest changes in the plant queendoms, witnessing his physical body responding to each plant he came in contact with, those that brought balance to his body he knew to carry properties that were right for healing… He also came in contact with influential healers, those wisdom keepers that carried old time herb-lore that verified his findings and shared more… And so he developed a deep sensitivity to his body-wisdom, focusing specifically on those that brought healing to himself and others…

  1. Trusting in natures wisdom inspired him to explore the full range of his senses, attuning to the space around him… Allowing full expression of emotions, just as each of the plants were each fully themselves, with unique qualities, he came to appreciate his own uniqueness in what his senses told him… Because of this all knew where they stood with him, with all energy allowed full immediate expression through him, nothing held back… Others were inspired by this, recognising the healing facilitated through expressing in this way… If energy needed to be expressed and was damned up in another, he would become the expresser of such energy, taking him over before he had time to consider, as if all life depended on that expression…
  • This gave him a deep receptivity to the truth, integrating the reflection of lifes patterns… He came to a timeless quality, enchanted by the patterns that reflected the order of consciousness and natural lore… His receptivity to this natural lore, brought him to model its patterns, bringing a great integrity to his being …
  • 9. He came to trust the bigger picture of what he saw… Allowing his mind to play with creatively pushing the boundaries of what was, brought creative solutions that could bring greater healing… This became a wonderful play where he worked with visualisation to realise change for himself and others, playing with vivid imagination resulted in greater realisation of what it was to accomplish healing and the intention to do so pulsed strongly through him…

    1. And so he gained the courage to focus and manifest his greater potential in the world, questioning anything that would get in the way of his visions… With deep body intelligence he knew that all was possible when he maintained a focus that allowed him to bypass any rocks on his path… He was guided by the struggle faced by Seeds, growing into their full potential flowering, promising the flowering of abundance in the world…
  • And so he came to honour the natural cycles, and recognised when it was time to stop and listen and learn… Referencing the cycles that had been, were and would come… He let go to the perfect timing as synchronicity would reveal and felt himself one with evolution… Recognising times to push and times to stop and listen… Learning to patiently allow all that is put in place, to grow in its natural timing… And so he came back to himself and waited and listened and learned, allowing Spirit, creator, God, Self to be…
  • 12. Through this he gained the patience to reflect from his heart, the truth of the natural order and was able to share this within his community… A deep compassion guided the truths that he reflected and the people came to see that he knew natural lore, was heart-centred and willing to co-operate… He benefitted his people with the knowing of all as connected and that whatever affected the one affected the all, and was respected for his knowledge of natural lore… He was connected to the divine order that allowed all to live together in truth and alignment…

    1. And so his very presence had a bearing that was transformational with a deep in-tuition that revealed to him where energy was held in lack, and with this knowledge he became a strong catalyst for healing… His strong connection to Source and deep and hidden connection to Spirit supported him… His vast energy transformed all into abundant healing…


    So blessed be to all on this 13-day journey of Healing, Knowledge and a deep sense of Accomplishment that goes hand in hand with this Wavespell…

    And if any would like to journey to the centre of your own essence, to uncover your own particular personal story, feel free to contact me, to explore further your uniqueness, gaining the clarity of empowering your ‘way’…

    In lak’ech


    7 Responses

    1. I believe kin 27 is the first day. Magnetic Blue Hand
      Two hands magnetized and when latched make 1.

    2. I missed your presence in Ubud over the past few months – thank you sister for such an insightful sharing, it has rung true to my core and inspired me to continue to trust in the process. Much love xo

      1. Hi Selina… yes thanks to the net I have felt connected in Ubud and sending love to all the family there… I am in New Hampshire in the States at the moment about to begin a US tour, if there are any here that you feel would benefit from my work… love you beauty and see you in the perfect place and time xxxx

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