G’day Planetary Kin…

The last weeks I have been in India and immersing in the great inner expanse of the sacred mountain Arunachala, and so in that last Wind Wavespell, (11-23 November 2015) the immersion was such, that I did not blog that Wavespell of Spirit, but purely and simply lived it!!!

And now we have begun the Blue Eagle Wavespell and will continue attracting a greater creative vision from Tues 24 Nov to Sat 5 Dec 2015… So allow the Spirit messages received during the greater currents of the Wind, we just experienced, to reveal a much greater picture of what is possible here, and what is our individual puzzle piece in that greater vision…

If you are in Australia or the Northern Rivers region of Northern NSW, please consider joining us at this amazing gathering near the sacred mountain of that area, Wollumbin, or Mt Warning as it is called on the maps… It is the first place to receive the Sun on this great continent, and it looks to be a wonderful gathering of kin, including Kaypacha, the wonderful astrologer, that keeps so many informed as to the movements of the planets, in our time… Maya 7 Sun received through deep meditation, to do these councils and this will be the first of many such wonderful events, she is called to initiate and share…

I am happy to be sharing the basics of the Mayan Dreamspell and whatever stories and sacred theatre pours forth, so that all can keep harmonic time and there will be other wonderful speakers and musicians, as well as lots of Earth work, to be involved with as a collective, co-creating Vision and Beauty…
Recently I have been activated into the Nag Hammadi, a Terma (Hidden Wisdom teaching) that was uncovered by the Terton – John Lash… Who was born the same year these teachings were uncovered, and destined to share a much more harmonic vision of our planet, than any I had heard before… Laying waste to the stories of us being gold slaves, and annunaki/reptilian/earth mixed bloods, which always in retrospect didn’t resonate as truly as this, that has now been brought to my attention… You can check this work at http://www.metahistory.org and stay tuned for coming retreats, where I will be diving deeper into this work, by initiating these ceremonies with vows to our divine PachaMama/Sophia/Gaia/Earth…

To journey deeper into this Blue Eagle Wavespell, link here for past writings in story of this wavespell…

In the next month I will be setting up a forum here for all to communicate with each other, their experiences and quests, as we participate in online classes, beginning mid December… I will keep you informed…

Also if you would like to give the gift of a Mayan Dreamspell or Astrological session, to a loved one for Xmas, contact me for a gift certificate…

Again is great to connect and be back in Australia to share these wisdom teachings…


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