TIME FOR ‘AWAKENING’ – Kins 53-65, Red Skywalker Wavespell 5

RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL Welcome to the Time of Awakening as we are in this cycle that encourages us to explore, expand, open and awaken, to our place within the universe, to look deeper into the #’meaning of life’… We will explore this cycle through the medium of story, as has been through time immemorial, the way to […]

Kin 6: White Rhythmic Worldbridger (self guided)

Good morning planetary kin…. ‘Today is a great day to die’ is a saying of the Native American tradition that applies today! All of us will die in some way today, by surrendering attachment to one world, in order to pass thru the doorway into another… Whether that be jumping from people to people, circle […]