Kin 76: Yellow Spectral Warrior (self guided) / Magnetic Moon 18 / Aug 12

Good Morning Kin… My blogs are being liberated, as I learn how to access many different worlds within the web and link and bring in many other sites that highlight the energies of each day, I trust you will find increasing enjoyment and understanding with these blogs thru these worldbridging actions, and feel free to […]

Kin 106: White Lunar Worldbridger (guided by the Mirror)

Ok the beginning of the 10 day stretch of GAP (Galactic Activation Portal) days… Today is also a PV day… PV represents Pacal Votan.. the leader at the height of the Mayan civilisation in the 600’s AD in Palenque in southern Mexico… On his tomb lid at the Temple of Inscriptions were found 13 clear […]