Kin 100: Yellow Solar Sun (May 23, ’13) – Pulsing Light

Dear friends… Happy bEarthday Lahla Aroha… A divine siStar that shines so brightly already, will be shining even more brightly today and the rest of this year…. So today is the 9th day of the 13-day cycle of the Human, where free will and making wise choices allow us to be influential in our lives… […]

Kin 230: White Solar Dog ‘Realising Compassion’

So good afternoon, planetary kin… Well it seems disaster has struck, well not the life ending type, and nothing compared to many experiences, but definitely one that slows down my mission… As with all disasters, this one has a silver lining I am sure… So two days ago my computer stopped working, I had a […]

Kin 100: Yellow Solar Sun ‘Courageous lllumination’

Hey there beloveds… So today is the 9th day of the Free Will Wisdom wavespell… and the 14th day of the Lunar (second) Moon of this Blue Resonant Storm year 2012/13… So today suggests we set our intention to fearlessly shine our light… And today I have been listening to a webcast that is encouraging […]