Mornin All..
Today is the fourth day of the 13 day cycle of the Eagle…
Today we work primarily on the mental plane, where the mind is re-aligned in order to become receptive to higher dimensional energies, becoming a reflector for many dimensions and with its reflective nature, only the highest aligned truths are received… Here we define the creative mind as the mind that wields the sword that naturally cuts away all that is not of the greatest visions for our planet and humanity… The computations of the higher creative mind reveal the timeless nature of our connections to the universe through number, symmetry and pattern…
We are supported in this today by Red SelfExisting Dragon, guided by the Earth, in the Mirror wavespell… Where we define the nature of reality with the mind that responds to the synchronicity of Earths cycles of evolution, nurturing the birth of a great level of truth in our lives, reflecting again all that does not support the bEarth of the coming New Time…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow SelfExisting Star, guided by the Seed, in the Serpent wavespell… Our survival is assured by aligning our minds with the highest potential harmonies of sacred creation, beauty, elegance and the divine art of nature…
Todays hidden gift is Blue Planetary Night, guided by the Monkey, in the Wizard wavespell… Manifesting timeless receptive stillness through the trusting the abundance that is naturally ours, especially as we perfect the level of Earth magic that is necessary to anchor the new energies into the crystal core of dear Pacha Mama…
Bless her, we love her… and are grateful for the ease and flow of our lives, when we choose to re-member the divine magic that we share…

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