Good Morning beloved kin…
So today we begin the Sun wavespell, and this morning I am receiving emails about the increased Solar Flare activity we are experiencing right now which is blacking out satellites and having effect on other sensitive equipment.. Well whatever it is doing for technical equipment, you can know it is having a deep effect on us… A great time to meditate and enlighten our cells as we transmute and transform and become more and more aligned to galactic centre…
Today is one of the 13 special clear signs on the side of Pacal Votans tomb… A day of significance, especially following yesterdays highly cosmic day of downloading the high energies of consciousness…
So we begin 13 days of Source Consciousness where the light and enlightment become paramount… Today we are magnets receiving the light, a great day to be in the sun soaking up the Vit D and those cosmic energies that bring more light to our cells…
We are supported in this by Blue Magnetic Storm… Magnetising increased volumes of energy for catalysing change of our whole being…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Magnetic Dog… Attracting unconditional love as we merge with the pure consciousness of the feminine in the heart…
Todays hidden gift is Red Cosmic Dragon, guided by the Serpent, in the Moon wavespell… Here we hold the pure presence of responding to the life force arising from the depths of our base and from our mighty Earht mother, as all the energies abounding right now filter through her poles, meet the solar rays entering through our crowns and skin, in the heart chakra… Allowing the presence of the great Earth Mother to beckon us home to our collective one heart!!!
Blessed be dear hearts, a holy day of light beginning a 13 day cycle of Light!

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for the blog. This day was my 56th birthday and was completely filled with light and meditation during the 13 day wavespell. I just started studing and was not able to do anything else, now I know why. Yellow magnetic sun 1.13 July 7 1956. I have downloaded so much information and do not know where to start. I just received my book Star Trveler’s 13 Moon Almanac. And free 7:7::7:7 Tlektonon and Free Seven Years Mystery Of The Stone kits. I did make it to a local Day Out Of Time event here in Austin Texas. I am so excited and grateful that I just found this in my life. Love and Happiness to All The World

    1. Hi Cyndi… Great to hear from you… I do not check the comments very often, so apologise for a tardy reply… Yes Yellow Resonant Sun, in a Yellow Magnetic Sun year… What an awesome inner journeying year you are in… One with Source! So wonderful that you are now on the journey of Uncovering the Harmonic Matrix… Perhaps you may like to consider a session to look deeper into this cycle you have just entered and the one you have just mastered, and can also be a teaching to anchor you more deeply in the work… let me know if you are interested as i am available for skype sessions… you can email me at… In lake’ch (I am another yourself) Vasumi Kin 71

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