Happy 25th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence – Aug 16, 17 1987…

Today is the 2nd day of the Storm wavespell… Lunar Sun asks us to stabilise the chaos of the Storm by becoming independant, choosing to walk in sovereignty on the earth… To allow the sunshine to allow us to be in our bodies, radiating vitamin D, anchoring the light… Choose to spend the day in the sun and become aware of the true value of the Sun to our bodies, receiving more influence from what our indigenous ancestors reveal about the Sun, than modern day fear-based medicine…

Todays support is Blue Lunar Storm, guided by the Monkey, in the Mirror wavespell… The challenge to anchor the truth, through being ready to trust the chaos that ensues in our physical worlds, as we look to what must change as we walk with greater and greater truth in our lives…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Lunar Dog, guided by the Wind, in the Moon wavespell… We are challenged to anchor more purity into our lives through becoming conscious of the flow of our breath from our hearts… To breath from heart-centred consciousness assists the purification of our energy fields…

Todays hidden gift is Red Crystal Dragon, guided by the Skywalker, in the Dog wavespell… To gather with others and express our capacity to care, to look to what we can initiate that responds to the deep call of reconnecting humanity, into the awakening of all as connected…. Assisting to release the old paradigm thought forms that see all as separate and alone… To come together as family, with a capacity to care and nurture each other into the highest learning and expansion…

So beloveds enjoy this day, get some sun and look after ourselves and each other… Blessed be….


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