Learn to Track Natural Time

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22.3″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.22.3″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.74″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] In these Webinars, you will receive clear guidance on tracking the cycles of your life, simply. By devoting 5 mins a day, bringing awareness of each days energy, you are gifted contemplative revelation. Learn how to ‘decode’ yourself and the people in […]

Red Cosmic Moon year – July 26 2018 – July 25 2019

Welcome to the RED COSMIC MOON Year. This is such a POTENT year! The 13th year of a 13-year cycle of PURIFICATION with the RED MOON. This year has been prepared for by learning to co-create in the previous Yellow Crystal Seed year. We learnt to quest-i-on any fears around coming together to use our collective […]

Blue Lunar Storm, Kin 119

Today is Blue Lunar Storm and it inspired a call out to my dear friends Elah & Ausierra. Two inspiring Rainbow Warriors sharing there love of the Earth and the awakening through music and ceremony… They anchored Cacao Ceremonies in Bali every week for a couple of years in Bali, activating a planetary tribe of […]

Lions Gate 8.8, Thoths’ Emerald Tablets & Mayan Calendars

LIONS GATE 8.8.16 I have been seeing many folk talking and writing about the Lions Gate Portal of 8.8, and at the same time speaking of the New Year of 26 July… What astounds me is that, the information is all very generic, there is no detail, no depth, just concepts, no basis for ongoing […]

ABUNDANCE – the intuitive dreaming of our planet: Blue Night Wavespell, Kin 183-195

And so to the Night wavespell we flow, into the story of Abundance, Intuition and the Dreaming of our planet… 1 MAGNETIC attracting – NIGHT Abundance, Intuition, Dreaming 2 LUNAR stabilising – SEED Target, Awareness, Flowering 3 ELECTRIC activating – SERPENT Survive, Instinct, Life Force 4 SELF EXISTING defining – WORLDBRIDGER Surrender, Opportunity, Death 5 OVERTONE […]

EVOLVING THROUGH SYNCHRONICITY: Red Earth Wavespell, Kin 157-169

7-19 September, 2015 Welcome to the 13-day cycle that explores evolution, ‘time as an art-form’ and synchronicity… We will navigate this through focusing on the story of Great Earth Mother as the archetype that evolves through time and synchronicity… Like the great Turtle, slow, listening for the synchronicities that in-form evolution… 1 Purpose – Earth Time, […]

Red Skywalker Wavespell 5, Kin 53-65

Hi there beloved kin… We are in the beginning of the 5th cycle of 20 x 13-day cycles that make up the 260-day cycle of the Tzolkin, reflecting the cycle from conception to birth, or what is known as 9 months in the way the collective views time… The Tzolkin reveals the ever-evolving spin of […]

Wind Wavespell cont. Kin 227-230

Hi dear friends of the Earth… Great to walk this path of Spirit with you, in this wonderful Wind Wavespell of channeling Spirit direct, through the mediums of sound, music, dance, communication, prayer and any other iniinite variety of creation that Spirit guides us to be and do… And so to the days… Blue Rhythmic […]

Kin 247: Blue Cosmic Hand (Thursday 17 October / Electric Moon 28 Silio)

Rainbow Bridge Meditation day is always the 28th day of each of the 13 Moons… Today also happens to be the 13th day of the Eagle wave spell of Vision… So today we complete a Moon and a Wavespell, a wonderful synchronicity… Today we are guided to trust that indeed the greater healing IS happening, […]