Good Morning Planetary Kin…

Today is the 13th and last day of the Wind wavespell… A day of receptive and anchoring presence, where spirit just channels through us, as the breath of god/dess, passing through the dimensions receiving the most divine truths which bring pure alignment… Today we have been discussing meditation and the wonder of spending 10 days or more in Vipassana, with such wistful desire… And so it is great to align in this way today, as the shaman, anchoring the divinity of spirit…

Today we are supported by Red Cosmic Serpent… Where awakened presence endures the flow of pure and raw life force – the flow of kundalini up and down our spines… The intertwining Ida and Pingala of the vedic traditions, the name given to the energy that flows as the masculine and feminine lines of energy that emerge from our base and travel up our spines to activate energy and purify as it reaches to the third eye and crown, then taking energy down again, as our life force becomes enlivened, awakened and pure…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Cosmic Seed… Present to choose to focus on the New Time guided by the natural harmonics revealed through sacred geometric expansion…

Todays hidden gift is Blue Magnetic Hand… To attract the spiritual healing that activates our capacity to accomplish our greatest purpose in alignment with what it is we are truly here to do…

So beloveds, a great day for meditation, for reflecting upon spirit and the messages that pour through to enliven our next steps… A day of enchantment, to sit and be for tomorrow we begin the cycle of Vision…

Blessed be dear hearts, may we all go deeply into the core of our own truth and feel the touch of spirit that heals and brings purpose…


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