Good Morning to all…

So today is the 9th day of the Sun Wavespell in the Mayan Dreamspell ( harmonic matrix…

The 9th day is called Yellow Solar Star… And today we focus towards raising vibration to the highest potency of beauty… Realising the elegance of the harmonic geometries of light, and creating by seeding intentions to beautify… Pulsing pure consciousness, enlightened time is art realisations…

Supported today by Blue Solar Monkey… Realising magic when we trust our intuition which leads to creative accomplishment… Allowing the unconscious to rise and be healed through our creative playful pulse… Allowing the dreaming of our planet of ‘abundance for all beings’ to be realised, innocently pushing the boundaries of all limitation, to play the magical healing that occurs…

Challenged, yet strengthened by White Solar Mirror… Reflecting each moments truth with clarity, we are able to realise the connectedness of all of life… Anchoring the receptive, timeless, endless connection of multi-dimensional realities…

Today we receive the Gift of Red Overtone Skywalker… The power of exploration, to expand and awaken in pure consciousness… Responding powerfully in the moment to going with the flow that leads to awakened expansion…

So beloveds a very divine day, one that operates fundamentally on the spiritual plane… May we rise and shine and expand in the power of pure consciousness…


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