God/dess morning to all…
Today is the 11th day of the 13-day cycle of the Wind, the 11th day always brings with it emotional release… And today we are liberating spirit through making choices that have been informed by the communication of the past 10 days … A day to release and let go all extra energy not needed as we make choices to let go of all that does not serve us… To look to the ancient wisdom that is reflected in spirits messages, and to give thanks for the ancestors that made sure to pass this wisdom down through the blood lines, simply by being examples of great wisdom, examples that can be seen by the level of influence that their choices made…
Is Spirit liberated as we make the most wise and influential choices? Do we release spirit through choices that allow freedom down through the bloodlines, choosing to release any attachment to emotional drama?
Predawn brings emotional healing into our dreamtime, where our own release of emotional trauma assists to heal the Earth…
This morning we find liberation through wise choice of words, words that bring the greatest influence and liberation from old patterns… We liberate spirit through making choices that allow freedom to flow through the bloodlines, choosing to release any attachment to emotional drama… We are learning the wisdom of letting go of all but the most wise, to align ones will with the will of spirit…
This afternoon that wisdom is liberated through becoming clear channels in the moment, of what is here, now and pertinent… Sing, dance, write, communicate from the moment unencumbered by patterns of old…
This evening expression activates a flow of energy that serves to purify… A clean flow of communication awakens a brilliant knowing of what is needed in order to accomplish in the most clear way…
A beautiful day of sunshine and warmth here in the north island of New Zealand, home of the most brilliant bird calls, trilling out the music of spirit…