Good Morning …

Today is the 5th day of the Dragon cycle of birthing the new, and the 5th day of the entire 260-day Tzolkin (Count of Days or Light pulses emanating from the Sun)… Did you know that it takes 260 days from conception to birth, and that is synonymous with Tzolkin round, and also that the Tzolkin or harmonic matrix that underlies all of life is a grid made up of 20 (fingers and toes) x 13 (major articulations or joints in the body – 2 ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders and 1 connecting the spine and the head)… Just a little lesson in how we represent within our physical form the pattern that is the underlying harmonic matrix of all of consciousness… Ingenious I say…


Today carries potent power, the power of Life Force, or the fire of kundalini that travels from the Earth up into our root chakras and feeds these bodies with pure energy…  And today is about exploring that life force and allowing it to connect us with spiritual power or empowerment… To follow our instincts and allow energy to expand through us from our radial centres… A day to explore the furthest expanse of this energy… A day of living life fully in the moment and expanding that moment to embrace greater awakening, greater vitality, greater aliveness in all our moments… Jumping feet first into LIFE!!!

Predawn a powerful receptivity embraces our dreaming as spirit guides us to dive deeper into a sense of connectedness and love… My dreams this morning had me with my tribe doing acrobatics as my body spun, danced and flew, so full of energy that I could barely stay still for a moment in the ecstasy of energy racing through my body, nimble and full of life…

This morning we may awaken to a sense of nurturing which guides our morning to ignite a flow of connecting to those arrive into our presence, responding instinctively in an opening way that empowers greater awakening, purifying all through expressing care… Awakening in the reality, and exploring our connections, offering support that empowers all…

This afternoon we find the power of sitting back and being guided by our intuition, allows trust to radiate more strongly through our beings… The days ignition has time and space to process as we balance the immediacy of the moments intensity with the power of the greater vision and bigger picture…

This evening we are gifted the realisation that we can choose to question all that has been and make choices that forge a future based on harmony and beauty… Solar intelligence is realised when we realise it is our free will choice to pulse with the divine harmonic design…

So beloveds a powerful and intense day today, a day when a lot will be expressed with no forethought, a day where the immediacy of feeling alive in the moment is what calls us forth into powerful aliveness, empowering the birth of the new…

Today I would like to honour my dear brother Rob, with such deep appreciation for your being, you have gifted me more than you can know with the dynamism and caring that you share, big love to you dear brother…




3 Responses

  1. Kin 5: Red Overtone Serpent
    I Empower in order to Survive
    Commanding Instinct
    I seal the Store of Life Force
    With the Overtone tone of Radiance
    I am guided by the Power of Space

    May the Life Force be with you! _/*\_

  2. Like Stephanie South said, this 260 day cycle is opposite energies than you\re writing, I\ve been studieng this calender for roughly 5 years and all energies are opposite to what you\re writing, Sorry for saying this, tho just you should write what you feel and expierence not what \It\s suppoused to be.\

    kin 12

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