Good Morning planetary kin…

Today is the 8th day of the Hand wavespell of Healing and Accomplishment… Today we integrate the last days through our minds receptivity to recognising patterns… In reflecting upon the patterns that occur, healing is integrated, as a greater receptivity and opening is available… The mind becomes still and honed to the timeless nature of patterns repeating themselves, as we settle more deeply into the allowance of all to be… It is in this quiet acceptance that space is created and integrated for healing and change…

Today is supported by the instinctive mind that flows with the patterns, joining the dots that lead us to experience pure consciousness… Call on this limbic brain function today to purify the mind and allow all thought to return to the endless order of the divine design, embedded in and modelled by pure harmony…

This morning we learn to trust the magic that is integrated, as we allow the messages t0 channel through, reflecting spirits timeless messages, through the divine design of truth and alignment…

This afternoon we are able to integrate this mornings messages by listening for the right timing to join with others, to seed yet more harmony… Focused on the higher potentials, that we are here for, with an awareness of the divine patterns, and those not so divine, we can aim higher towards the growth of our collective evolution… Focusing our minds on the harmonic design we aim for the stars…

This evening is an excellent time for organising our physical realities for balance through communication.. A great evening for a balancing massage, either giving or receiving in alignment with the breath…

So beloveds another divine and new day on planet r-evolufiion… We love you…



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