And so today we entered the 13-day cycle of the Mirror… So nice to feel the alignment of the Mirror setting in after the intensity of the Serpent… We are entering the cycle of the Flint, the Sword, the Mirror that reflects the truth, and has the capacity to cut through the crapt to access the truth of each given moment… Reflecting the endless order of reality, through the many dimensions of perfection and aligning pattern… Bringing balance to the intensity we have all experienced in the last Serpent cycle…

Here is a list of code words for each of the 13 days as they relate to 13 of the 20 glyphs…

1 – Magnetising, Attracting in this cycle the glyph of Mirror -Truth, Endless Order, Reflection

2 – Anchoring, Stabilising through the Storm glyph – Change, Self-Generating Energy, Catalyse

3 – Activating, Serving through the Sun glyph – In-deep-end-dance, Light, Sovereignty

4 – Defining the Form of the Dragon glyph – Response-ability, Birth, Nurturing

5 – Empowering and Radiating through the Wind – Channeling, Communication, Spirit

6 – Balancing and bringing Equality through the Night – In-tuition, Dreams, Abundance

7 – Inspiring and Channeling with the Seeds – Potential for Flowering, Co-creation and Focus

8 – Integrating through the Serpent – Survival, Instinct, Life Force

9 – Realising and Pulsing Intention with the Worldbridger –Surrendering and Networking Opportunity

10 – Producing and Manifesting with the Hand – Accomplishment, Knowledge, Healing

11 – Liberating and Releasing through the Star – Create, Art, Beauty

12 – Co-operating and Dedicating with the Moon – Purity, Flow, Universal Water

13 – In Presence with the Dog – Love, Loyalty, Heart


And so onto the Story, that of course begins as all stories begin, yet again…

Once upon a time …

1 MIRROR (Wed 12 Nov) – … there was a girl, sharp as a whistle, that seemed desperate in her journey to take no shit from anyone, she was naturally drawn to martial arts and to the sword… It was as if she had come from lifetimes of being involved in survival and intensity and this life she was becoming equipped to not have to put up with anything that did not align in the core of her being…

2 STORM (Thurs 13 Nov) – She was able to whip up a Storm  and transform all  energy around her magically… Especially if she felt stuck energy, held in untruth… Like a whirling dervish, or Japanese samurai she would move into action generating enough energy to change the very molecules of the physical reality around her… This became her magical play as she grew and experimented with the perceived physical boundaries of reality… She mostly enjoyed the chaos of unbound energy…

toppic13 SUN (Fri 14 Nov) – As she played and transformed physical realities, she would feel more light electrically charged in her being and the feeling of greater possibilities for her growth and others would be drawn to her charged energy… And yet in this she became very emotionally independent, as others did not understand her intensity, even though they gained from it and were drawn to her… And yet they could not get too close, as she moved on her own, always focusing on what could be, driven to find the source of the spark of light on this razors edge of reality. Poised, alive and bright…

4 DRAGON (Sat 15 Nov) – She developed a deep listening with her mind, as she responded to patterns that were inherited and her capacity to respond to the those patterns and assist to evolve them forward was unsurpassed… She was drawn to help others to think in new ways that assisted their evolution… This led to a capacity to birth new patterns of thinking that nurtured and respected, yet evolved forward, rather than broke down all that had been… And so she followed, listening intently for the synchronicity and signs to be heard… Responding steadily, and moving forward on the edge of the tightrope of her life, inching forward, birthing new ways of thinking and responding, revealed through that very alert mind….

5 WIND (Sun 16 Nov) – She loved nothing better than to be where the wind was strong and she could become it… She found her power this way and it assisted her to feel herself as movement aligned in spirit, swift and precise, devoted to all that would blow through her… In this way she found her devotion to spirit…

6 NIGHT (Mon 17 Nov) – Balance came in her dreaming and she would love to sleep long, as in the deep unconscious of her dreams she would tap into fear and be able to work with it… Accessing deeper and deeper balance through questioning that fear and diving deeper again, until she found the root of abundance and the release of lack…

7 SEED (Tues 18 Nov) – The depth of her dreaming, became the roots that would inspire her to rise higher towards greater and greater potentials… Growing strong, rising fearless and inspiring many others to quest-i-on their inhibitions and limitations… They would gather towards her and found strong resonation with her as she held complete focus on the highest potentials and would inspire all to rise with her…

8 SERPENT (Wed 19 Nov) – At this point her mind would be sharp, her limbic brain quickly flowing with concepts of pure consciousness… This brought great integrity, as she became a model swords-woman, quick, agile and always a few steps ahead as she walked the tight rope of truth, able to reflect purely all that came before her, flowing into greater and greater truths…

9 WORLDBRIDGER (Thurs 20 Nov) – She became a pure pulse of consciousness as Spirit guided her to open doorways and initiate those that were ready to walk through into new ways of being… She created many opportunities for herself and others in this way, as she surrendered completely to Spirits calling…

10 HAND (Fri 21 Nov) – So much became manifest through her hand, it was if she had eyes in the middle of her palms, and she could produce something as soon as it was envisioned… She could also see where healing was needed and would administer this through her hands which could see deeply into the manifest physical reality… Much was accomplished and healed and yet always there was more to accomplish as the far-reaching vision, awarded her, revealed… She chose to spend time on mountain tops and after each sojourn, she was like a wind blowing down onto the plains to manifest with an even deeper level of perfection…

11 STAR (Sat 22 Nov) – Her time out would be in nature where she could release all the energy in the beauty of the creator… She would paint, draw and enjoy creating with the beauty that was reflected all around her… Playing music would assist her to release all energies built up over time, and deep tears would roll down her cheeks with the beauty of creation,  freed from oppression…

12 MOON (Sun 23 Nov) – She brought this deep sensitivity, gained through creating in nature, back out into the community through flowing with a deep sense of caring and nurturing, assisting others to purify their minds, so that deeper and more sensitive connections could be developed… The purity of her mind, as she reached out to others was evident and all felt nurtured and able to flow with more sensitivity, as they reached out to her and each other… Old thought forms were shown up that needed purification as they all responded to her greater purity of mind, allowing her to share the caring and natural nature of reflecting truth in pure and sensitive common unity and co-operation…

13 DOG (Mon 24 Nov) – She came to embrace all and held such a beautiful loving receptive presence that all felt included and loved in her , reflecting such deep truth in love.. None were turned away as she embraced the divine truth of love… And in her presence a lot of the darkness of shame was purified, as all desired to merge in the divine receptivity of her anchored love…

And so our wonderful Heroine came home to the heart and laid down the sword with deep respect for all it had shown her… How it had assisted her to cut away all that was not of the ultimate truth… She placed it on her altar and sent gratitude to the Spirit of Truth (represented by Archangel Michael) and thanked God/dess for the wonder of reflection to cut through to the quick of LOVE…

Blessed be dear hearts, blessed be you, on this journey of Truth and reflection, over this next 13-day cycle…


3 Responses

  1. Dear Vasumi;

    I love this beautiful story you wove for the Mirror Wavespell!
    Will link to it in my next blog 🙂

    Love and Blessings from Claire

  2. Profound – as I was just learning the Hero’s Journey and am cutting away the untruths. It is a light to cross over into Love Land. Sometimes the Swords of Truth is needed Thank you dear sister!

  3. Thank you Vasumi that was uplifting and fun to read. It is great to have the story as an illustration to the Mirror Wavespell. Beautiful!

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