Good Morning beloved Kin, Light beings awakening and arising together to enhance and embody the beauty of our abundant Pacha Mama…

Welcome to the 16th cycle of the 20 cycles of the TzolKin… The Count of Light, the Count of Consciousness Evolving… Now we enter the cycle of the Warrior, the cycle of fearless, intelligent Quest-i-on-ing…

1 Magnetic Warrior – Attracting Fearless Intelligent Questioning

2 Lunar Earth – Stabilising Listening Navigating Synchronicity

3 Electric Mirror – Activating Reflecting Endless Order

4 SelfExisting Storm – Defining Transforming Catalysing Energy

5 Overtone Sun – Radiating Enlightened Solar Fire

6 Rhythmic Dragon – Organising Nurturing Birthing Response-ability

7 Resonant Wind – Inspiring Channeling Spirit Communication

8 Galactic Night – Integrating Intuitive Abundant Dreaming

9 Solar Seed – Realising Targeting Potential Awareness

10 Planetary Serpent – Manifesting Instinctual Surviving Life Force

11 Spectral Worldbridger – Liberating Surrendering Opportunities Death

12 Crystal Hand – Co-operating Accomplishing Healing Knowledge

12 Cosmic Star – Presence Creative Artful Beauty and Harmony

So beloveds here we begin on the Journey of the Warrior…

1 There was once a girl who was born with a deep sense of being in this new incarnation on a Quest… She was so focused on finding what her Quest was that as she grew she would quest-i-on everything, and in that questioning, so she attracted questions from others… Each question lead to the next step in her intense and fearless focus on finding her mission…

2 Her questions lead her to stop and listen to the earth around her, to the animals, the winds, the subtle movement of the leaves… She looked to the rocks and the rivers and the ancientness of this Earth and learnt of cycles gone by, the elemental worlds and the changes that happened when elements intermingled – the alchemy of water and earth, when fire and air came together… And so many answers came thru tracking the messages of the Earth…. And she learned to navigate the synchronicities revealed…

3 She came to reflect on what the Earth had shown her, which guided her in how to align her senses in a way that activated the spark of truth that served her to follow her Quest… She was very honest and direct with what she felt and this added to her truthfulness and fearlessness… At times people were surprised with her forthright and honest manner, which whether they liked it or not would  crack through any fear held, ultimately serving them and herself to pierce through any distortions, and reflect back to the basic order of truth, revealing clearly what serves and what doesn’t serve our emotional intelligence and Quest…

4 She saw that her journey catalysed change in others as much as herself, and was encouraged that she was on the right track… She recognised that old concepts that were no longer valid, were transformed into pure energy, as a pool of chaos that was the fodder for the mind to refashion into creative ideas that were more helpful for the coming times… And so she became very creative at envisioning energetic solutions to all she was seeing and her intelligence grew…

5 With this increase of energy, she naturally began to take command of her own creations, remembering herself as an independent sovereign light being, here to command and create with the light… She came into the Source of her power as aligned with the Light, her MANA… This empowerment, in turn empowered others to shine their light, as they looked to her radiance, and were touched by it…

6 She then saw the need to look after her physical reality and extend that to take responsibility for the physical reality around her in order to maintain balance, and worked to ensue that all had their needs met… Equality became important to her, as she organised the resources for all to have their needs met, and the physical world in and around her was cared for and nurtured, and through this she found a deep sense of balance…

7 Her communication skills grew, and she became very receptive and open to sharing messages that channeled through her from Spirit… Inspired to communicate messages received through sound and dance, and clear communication which in turn inspired others to tune in and turn on… She felt like a resonant pure channel of energy as Spirit anchored timeless realms through her and into the Earth, inspiring herself and others…

8 She felt more integrated, walking her talk, as her questions revealed knowledge received by diving deep into the unconscious realms of her in-tuition… She found the more she tuned into these realms, where messages from Spirit had anchored energy and messages through her, the more answers arrived to her seemingly endless quest-i-ons… And she came to model and live the dreaming that was revealed, harmonising, by bringing a healing intelligence to all that was touched by her in the collective unconscious…

9 The unconscious dreaming became her roots to lift herself higher… She set her sights higher, guided by the Light to focus intently on becoming the highest potential of pulsing light she could be… As a plant growing from the dark depths of the Earth, facing towards the Sun to flower in all its beauty, harmonising the world… So she realised herself as a potential of light growing into the bright light of enlightenment… As she held that focus, she experienced and realised the Light pulsing through her…

10 With so much energy pulsing through, she expanded to allow that energy to instinctively manifest the perfection of her Quest… Guided to leap where her instincts took her, her vitality and life force expanded… She was vital, alive, present to the moments intensity and willing to explore all that was ignited by this and that life brought forth… She felt her quest manifested in her capacity to be a fully alive and present being, always open to exploring and expanding…

11 With the intensity of life manifested, excess energy was liberated by reaching out to others and sharing the energy that had been produced… Releasing her intense one-pointed focus, to expanding her spheres and creating opportunities for others… She became very relaxed and surrendered as doorways opened to connect many worlds, and opportunities for connection flooded in…

12 The many worlds connected, catalysed new ways of looking at the world, and so she was able to share the new knowledge that streamed in, that created a greater intelligence for all, bringing further intelligence and healing to the ways of living in community… A new level of knowledge had opened up collectively, as she co-operated with others in common unity…

13 And so became very present as a co-creator with consciousness, choosing to create beauty, her life as an art-form, a spark of light joining with other sparks of light to weave the tapestry of the harmonic matrix… Guided by ancient wisdom and the wisdom of her own choices, to  create the new culture of the ancient future…

Blessed be dear hearts, I hope you enjoyed this story of what it is to walk as the Spiritual Warrior of Light, fearlessly walking with our PachaMama…





7 Responses

  1. Dear Vasumi
    Thank you so much for your transmissions. I’m learning so much from your work and feeling the path opening before me.
    In deep deep gratitude.
    your sister, Sally M 🙂 xxx

  2. Wow Vasumi,
    To read this today has opened up a new understanding of myself as a Yellow Warrior…this was so beautifully written, thank you!
    I will read & read again, implanting me to walk this earth in greater peace through this knowledge.
    Much love & gratitude,

  3. Thanks Vasumi for your wave spell posts and creative expression!
    I have been following these and wonder since they seem to need rereading would it be more appropriate to read part the story each day considering its wave spell morning and night? Learning this language seems to take some effort!

    Arohanui from Aotearoa♪

    1. hi Wayne… yes that is a great way to do it… You can read the whole story in the beginning, and then each day to witness the days unfolding patterns…
      Tis quite like driving a car, in the beginning it seemed complicated and slowly by slowly you gain confidence and after awhile it is like the car is driving itself… blessings to you for this journey of inquiry and witnessing… xx

  4. Beautiful Vasumi… thank you so much for these gorgeous stories… yesterday my reality felt so in tune with this unfolding, and I’m looking to attune my actions with todays story. Thank you for creating this structure and for all the work you do in the world.
    With big love,

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