I have been inspired to share the weaves and wefts of the Galactic Mayan Calendar in alignment with Astrology for these next months… Apologies we have already lived a lot of the first Earth cycle when you receive this, yet retrospect is the gift you have the opportunity to receive here, due to extensive travels and limited internet time in Europe…
The Mayan Dreamspell is based on our ancient future, marrying codes of the Ancient Maya from the Time Temples in Palenque, Mexico, in the 600s, with the time we now live in, to remind us there are ways to flow, with the natural rhythms of the cosmos…
It was foreseen these codes would be important for the coming times, when the world most needed them, to guide and forge a way to a New Time of harmony and respect for the Earth…
EARTH WAVESPELL : 7-19 September
Navigating our way into the 13-day cycle of the Red Earth, we are asked to listen to Pacha Mama and heed her messages as we slow down to receive her communication through our allies in nature, revealing synchronicity as the path, in this way we journey further towards our potential…
In this cycle breath-awareness brings balance… Bringing us the time and space to be open to the opportunities that assist higher potentials to be reached, through our connections with others… Each with independent minds, awake to intelligence beyond, the major paradigms power-over tactics… Shining the light on sovereignty and nature-given rights, leading lives in accordance with the greater truths of peaceful evolution, connected to pure consciousness awakening within…
This cycle brings a greater focus than before astrologically as well, with Sun and Jupiter in Virgo, expanding a desire to be detail-oriented; while Mars and Venus occupy the sign of Leo, the lovers happy to shine the light on a higher potential of love and creativity in relationship… With Saturn at the end of Scorpio, this has ensured a deep dive into the unconscious, weeding out all that is of no benefit, to allow for forward motion…
On the 7th day of this cycle (13/9), we have a Dark Moon Lunar Eclipse, with the Moon meeting the Sun in Virgo, ensuring we dive deep into our own healing, embracing shadows, for to witness is to heal… With Mercury now in Libra, calling us forward to share our creativity in harmony with others…

DOG WAVESPELL : 20 September – 2 October
As we head towards the Equinox, we enter the Dog Wavespell, the cycle of unconditional Love… Where we have the opportunity to feel the inter-connectedness of all things, ready to embrace the shadows, all-inclusive!
In this cycle, physical space is important, that we may BE love! We find emotional independence, having the courage to choose what we feel, emotions that command the greatest receptivity to Spirit….
With Jupiter expanding in Virgo, the virgin, and the Sun traversing its final degrees, shining its light on Mother Mary, not as a virgin, but a devotee of the Earth… Mary Magdalene, not a whore, but a divine initiate of the ways of Isis, honouring the Earth and all life… An initiate to Mother Mary, in the ways of working with sexual kundalini energies, as the great healing tool it is… Together with Jesus, Magdalene’s husband, achieving great mastery, bringing divine healing to many…
The Sun completes its healing journey, ready to move into Libra, the sign of Compassion and Love, enticed by Mercury, speaking words of Love, Peace and Harmony…
On September 28, the 9th day of the Dog Wavespell, we have a Full Moon Solar Eclipse, with Moon in Aries opposing Sun in Libra… We are asked to realise the truth of reflection, as the greatest form of LOVE… That all projected on another, is truly, just a reflection of self… That whoever sparks the reflection, is indeed a true ally to our growth, revealing patterns buried in our deep unconscious…
Mars prepares for his Hero’s journey in Virgo, as he traverses the final degrees of Leo, having felt the support and shared the ways of light and love with Venus, who continues to fill her cup, in her dance with Leo, the King of Light…
Saturn leaves the dark inner-worlds of Scorpio, preparing to share those experiences, readying his aim, as teachings in the sign of Sagittarius…
NIGHT WAVESPELL : 3 – 15 October
We now enter the Night Wavespell, in-tuition revealing our deep unconscious dreaming… Serving opportunity to release any sense of lack, shown through love and the law of reflection, in the previous cycle… The focus is internal and deep… Telepathic attunement to the collective unconscious arises, allowing what was buried to come up for air, breaking down walls of lack… Opening doors that reveal a greater transformative vision of ‘abundance for all beings’…

Half way through this cycle Venus accompanied by the Moon, takes her place in the healing sign of Virgo… The daughter initiated by the mother, to apply her love of the light in service to healing, activating a deep and responsive flow of emotion…
We choose to shine our light more brightly through opening the doors to emotions, previously resisted… On day 11 of this cycle, on the Dark Moon, when the Moon meets the Sun in Libra, all that has been uncovered may erupt in a burst of e-motion, releasing from the collective unconscious… A volcano of energy, previously suppressed, finding its way into the light of day… Enjoy, celebrate and whatever you do, don’t take any of it personally… As expression is allowed, it gifts the opportunity to clear the decks of debris long denied…
WARRIOR WAVESPELL : 16 – 28 October
The Moon progressing into Sagittarius initiates the Warrior cycle… The archer with her arrow aimed forward, her heightened intelligence questioning all that would stand in the way, of her quest… Finding the courage to explore the present moment, choosing co-creation with divine will…
The 8th day of this cycle (23/10), sees the Sun makes its way from Libra (creative intelligence), into the inner-world of Scorpio, with courage, plummeting the depths, armed with the arrow of fearless questioning…
Throughout this time, Venus and Mars in Virgo, find the courage to ask quest-i-ons, leading further into healing the feminine/masculine rift…
The Full Moon in Taurus (26/11) anchors this quest, dedicated to bringing forth the knowledge that gifts greater co-operation…
For the lay-wo/man, you are asked to equip yourselves with the knowledge, born of fearless questioning, that allows all to walk our true essence in this divine web, weaving the awakening…
MOON WAVESPELL : 29 October – 10 November
And so to the 13-day cycle of the Red Moon, where purification and going with the flow of pure essence, beyond the overlay of man-made disharmonic conditioning, beckons us… In this cycle we purify any need for power-over and control, in order to find our own personal flow…
Here Mercury joins the Sun (3/11), as it moves into the deep waters of Scorpio, to explore the depths, while the Moon in the sign of Cancer, at the time of our messengers crossing, encourages entrance into the womb, revealing contracts set there, at our birth… Welcomed by the Moon, Mercury the messenger, not so at home in the waters, has the courage to plummet the depths…
On the 12th day of this cycle (9/11), Venus leaves Mars to move into Libra… Healed, she opens the doors to freedom of choice, peace and creativity beckoning her through the door…. Her shining beauty, attracting Mars to follow some 4 days later….
WIND WAVESPELL : 11 – 23 November
In the 13-day Cycle of the Wind we learn to open ourselves as messengers, communicating Spirit directly through song, dance, poetry, writing, speaking and simple breath…
On the 2nd day (12/11) of this cycle we embrace the Dark Moon in Scorpio, with our eyes now open in the dark, we trust the abundance of the deep inner-worlds, as the muse to our own creativity…
Mars, attracted by the beauty of Venus, follows her into Libra on Friday the 13th, the 3rd day of this cycle… Also now healed, Mars is free to activate his greatest creative potential, encouraging sovereignty in the divine dance… With space for all to create, we channel spirits creations, manifesting joyful transformation…
On 21/11, Mercury rises from the inner-world of Scorpio, into its higher octave in Sagittarius, joining Saturn, issuing forth from the womb into the light, on the wings of wisdom, gained from the depths…
The Sun joins Mercury in Sagittarius the next day (22/11), exploring the greater mysteries for the coming month…
EAGLE WAVESPELL : 24 November – 6 December
The Eagle Wavespell brings pure vision, seeing the bigger picture… With the creative mind, being the harbinger of solutions promising change…
On the 3rd day of the cycle (26/11), the Sagittarius Sun shines its brilliant light on the Full Moon in Gemini, highlighting its greatest teaching – our collective responsibility to serve Mother Earth…
We deepen our sovereignty, by listening to our senses, responding to synchronicity, revealing knowledge we feel we can trust…
Our collective journey has been revealed here through the codes of the Mayan Dreamspell and Astrology, metaphysical sciences of the Cosmos…
Should you wish to journey further to uncover your own personal contracts, feel free to check www.timewaves.org, sign up for my blogs, check sessions and coming events available and delve deeper into the stories of each 13-day Wavespell… At this moment I am in Europe and will be here for the next couple of months… Events are being organised, stay tuned… Any in Europe and would like to receive these teachings and help to organise events near you to receive the wonders of these magical systems, feel free to invite me… I am open to the flow of grace within which to share… Thankyou…
(Mother Father God, isn’t it wonder-full)