Today is Blue Lunar Storm and it inspired a call out to my dear friends Elah & Ausierra. Two inspiring Rainbow Warriors sharing there love of the Earth and the awakening through music and ceremony… They anchored Cacao Ceremonies in Bali every week for a couple of years in Bali, activating a planetary tribe of beloveds through the music shared in this album ‘La Medicina’. It is my pleasure to share it with you all here… Ausierra is Yellow Lunar Sun, and today is her support energy, Blue Lunar Storm, and it is my pleasure to support her by sharing here today… Elah is a Yellow Cosmic Warrior, together they create Yellow Lunar Warrior, on the mission of anchoring creative vision for our collective future, by being dedicated to the mission of sharing beauty and being the harmony…

Thankyou beloveds for all you share with the world…

If you would like to explore your own Galactic Signature in depth, make an appointment and we can explore together…

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