We have begun the 13-day cycle of the Red Serpent Wavespell…

So let us look at the codes of this cycle to see what they conjure up… Knowing that from Day 2 of the cycle, for 10 days, the dimensional doorways will be open as new energy is poured onto the planet, keeping us on our toes, not allowing for relaxation carisoprodol overnight delivery back into old ways, that no longer serve… Be prepared for intensity, as we learn to live by our wits and instinct, in the moment, fully present to what is in the intensity of this precious, gifted moment…

So first we look to the codes that will unfold, that reveal this unfolding story… Each number representing, in succession, each of the days in the 13-day cycle…

1 MAGNETIC: Purpose ~ SERPENT: Survival, Instinct, Life Force

2 LUNAR: Stabilising ~ WORLDBRIDGER: Surrender, Death, Opportunity

3 ELECTRIC: Activating ~ HAND: Healing, Accomplishment, Knowledge

4 SELFEXISTING: Defining ~ STAR: Creativity, Art, Elegance

5 OVERTONE: Empowering ~ MOON: Purifiying, Flow, Universal Water

6 RHYTHMIC: Balancing ~ DOG: Love, Loyalty, Heart

7 RESONANT: Inspiring ~ MONKEY: Magic, Innosense, Play

8 GALACTIC: Integrating ~ HUMAN: Wisdom, Free Will, Influence

9 SOLAR: Realising ~ SKYWALKER: Exploring, Expansion, Awakening

10 PLANETARY: Manifesting ~ WIZARD: Receptivity, Timelessness, Enchantment

11 SPECTRAL: Liberating ~ EAGLE: Vision, Creative, Mind

12 CRYSTAL: Co-operating ~ WARRIOR: Fearlessness, Intelligence, Quest-i-oning

12 COSMIC: Presence ~ EARTH: Listening, Navigating Synchronicity, Evolution

Welcome to the Serpent cycle… The most intense of the cycles, hold on to your hats, or even better let them go and allow the intensity to pass through you…

We begin this sharing where we always begin…

Red Magnetic Serpent

1 There was a great volcano that erupted, and at the time of its eruption, a mother came into labour with her child, she had to be carried, as so intense were her labour pains, and those supporting had to stop every now and then to allow  a release of the energy passing through her body… Despite this they all survived and this child was given the name of volcano in Swahili, as no sooner was she out of the womb, than they were running again, until they found safety on the top of a small hill, although they were still dodging small fire balls at the great distance they were, from the towering menace of a mountain… And they looked back at the great calamity and fallen friends who had fallen victim to this great catastrophe…

White Lunar Worldbridger

2 And so for this child, Death was a face that was ever present in her body’s memory… So she focused on making her body strong, to withstand the external happenstance of physical and natural disaster, as for some reason during her early years, many situations occurred… A tree fell and nearly hit her, activating her natural fight or flight mechanism, just as in the intensity of when she was born… And this was only one of many intense situations that happened to her over and again in her life… It was almost as though her beginning made its mark, and her life was one where being in the moment and opening to being fully surrendered to her bodies warning signs, became the name of the game… And so she was open and aligned to opportunities for being in the right place, at the right time, grounded in her body, always just dodging near fatality…

Blue Electric Hand

3 A deep trust in her capacity to heal was fired up, as many times she escaped with scrapes and burns, breaks and other ailments… So she learnt a lot about the magic of healing, playing with the edges of receiving greater light in, and over time she trusted her process to heal… Finding that trust, brought the healing quicker…

Yellow SelfExisting Star

4 She also found that if she kept her mind focused on the highest potential outcome of any moment, it assisted the dramatic situations to become times that offered profound possibility for harmony and she was able to assist others through times of high drama with a very positive and creative outlook…

Red Overtone Moon

5 She came into her power through listening for the signs that guided her to ‘go with the flow’, developing a deep sensitivity to the flow of synchronicity…

White Rhythmic Dog

6 She came into balance through honouring each persons gifts, as a necessary part of the circle and cycle of survival, all living in equality together… In this way she knew who to call on in each given moment of life, prepared for the advent of any natural or man-made disasters… She became well-loved for this level of preparedness, loving to be surrounded by family, knowing that in this way, chances of survival were increased, as all worked together to live full lives… Equality became very important to her, as then all could excel in what they could offer…

Blue Resonant Monkey

7 She came to trust her in-tuition and play with it to hone its skills… Others were inspired by her deep resonance to feeling into any sense of lack that was present, and her capacity to tickle the edges of that lack, to reveal worlds of abundant magic and simple joy and fun, living life in the present moment…

Yellow Galactic Human

8 She gained wisdom through intelligent questioning of all she experienced, integrating her experiences through wielding the influence she gained, making wise choices for the betterment of all… She looked to the ancient ways, using her intelligence to question the culture she was in, choosing to diss outmoded cultural ways, that made no sense any more, opting for intelligent questioning of all that was, in order to be safe… Honouring the intelligent quest-i-on-ing of free will…

Red Solar Skywalker

9 She looked to the stars, in search of a more pure consciousness, beyond cultural overlays, exploring vaster realms and higher dimensions… She accessed other-world energies that assisted her to realise herself as an explorer of the cosmos, unbound by the physical dimension, awakened to high consciousness… An awakened messenger for the stars…

prayers of gratitude dogWhite Planetary Wizard

10 She anchored space, to receive and share the messages of the vaster realms, into the physical dimension through sound and communication… She was still and timeless, fully present in her breath, allowing new energies to anchor onto the planet…

Blue Spectral Eagle

11 And so she felt free from the intensity of her life, through seeing the greater picture of what her life was about… Freeing up any bound energy, to soar, liberated from the intensity of her life, emotionally released…

Yellow Crystal Warrior

12 And so she came to a place of no agenda, sharing all she had learnt with community through encouraging creative questioning… Using her intelligence to quest-i-on others, with a collective focus on creating harmony, knowing this as a key to collective survival… As when a community focuses on creative intelligence, in alignment with the harmonic laws of the universe, there is a greater possibility for survival and for not creating the situations where disasters occur… And so she would offer this gift to communities, in the hope that all could increase their intelligence and create beauty instead of disharmony, by listening to the natural laws of nature, living in abidance buy soma with those laws collectively…

Red Cosmic Earth

13 She came to a state of presence that was ignited by responding to the codes and signs of synchronicity… Assisting to birth the New Time through deep listening, seeing her place in the evolution of consciousness, abiding in the Earths natural evolution, not separate, fully one with the Earth’s continual rebirthing… In full alignment with the evolution of Pacha Mama/Earth Mother!

And so dear hearts, you to can learn to follow the codes of natural cycles, through aligning your mind with the codes of the Tzol-Kin (count of light/days) by ordering the Day-Keeping Journal for this year of the White Planetary Wizard, which begins on July 26th, the 10th day of this cycle… The books are now available to order through timewaves.org

It has been a pleasure to write for you, by exploring these codes, yet again, through this Serpent Wavespell.


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