So today is the 2nd day of 10 days where the dimensional doorways are pouring through high vibration energy…
Today is Electric Hand… Today we activate the serpent, the kundalini, raw instinct through trusting the healing that is available… Allowing ourselves to play with the actions that activate the most vital raw energy… Today for me this is to trust the actions that draw me to the US, actions that I have been resisting for whatever thoughtforms have placed limitation in my way… So today I serve the activation of pure life force by spelling the magic that heals limitation and allows me to create the energetic bonds that lift this life force energy to its highest potential… Saying this if there are any out there in the States that would love to receive these teachings personally and in group let me know, as it seems I am headed that way…
Yellow Electric Human supports us today, activating tribal bonds… Serving to electrify the web of connectedness and love that allow us to fearlessly choose to say yes to influencing an ever expanding web of awakening family… Activating the wisdom of unconditional love spreading across the planet…
Todays challenge is Red Electric Earth, listening for the sparks that create the most electricity inside us, revealing the bigger picture of the directions we are to head in… Activating a deeper connection to Mama Earth and our responsibility to nurturing her through responding to the synchronicity that she reveals to us, which in turn strengthens us…
Todays gift is White Spectral Wizard… Liberation thru allowing our highest potential to take root… Allowing ourselves to sense the freedom that receptivity to many realms can incur… Inverting the outward target, receiving the light deeply in to the sense realm, that our highest flowering be liberated with the deepest possible roots…
So beloveds a great day to look to the healing, allowing the activation of our capacity to push through the boundaries and trust that which would like to be accomplished through us… Blessed be…
Kin 107: Blue Electric Hand ‘Activating Healing’ | Time Waves
RT @vasumi: Kin 107: Blue Electric Hand ‘Activating Healing’: Good Morning Planetary Kin… So today is the 2nd day of 10 day… http:// …
RT @vasumi: Kin 107: Blue Electric Hand ‘Activating Healing’: Good Morning Planetary Kin… So today is the 2nd day of 10 day… http:// …