Cicadas singing their glorious song, empassioned by the hidden dreams shared along the waves of silence.

The intensity of their song flavours the whole valley as all ears receive the song of Earth evolving.

As if by magic they hear the song emitting from some technical device and lift their song that they may attune all to the Earths calling.

The depth of their beauty goes unwitnessed by themselves as they are intent on being the clear reflections of this now given moment.

The jungle floor is enlivened by the sound of these tiny beings who by nature can not resist their dharma.

To assist us all to awaken in the dream…

So again god morning to all on this dreaming day…

Today we access the underneath unconscious dreaming of our planet ‘abundance for all beings’ with Blue Rhythmic Night… And who better to sing that song than the cicadas who are the most divine orators of Gaias message to us all… Constantly singing the song that resonate the joys of multi-textured harmony that is our birthright… Today it is great to dream, to allow the dream to bring us into balance and organise our worlds primarily through in-tuition. The tuition that comes thru the seeming ‘hunches’ that reveal which is the next action needed in the roll of life…

Today is supported by Yellow Rhythmic Warrior, to get focused on the mission of organising the details of our creativity…

Todays strengthening challenge is Red Rhythmic Skywalker… To explore the outdoors to look for the beauty to adorn for tomorrow nights divine revelrys, as we archtypally embody the New Time divinity with tomorrows full moon…

Todays hidden gift is White Galactic Mirror in the Monkey wavespell… To integrate the divine patterns of endless order, reflected through our creations that reveal the simplicity of our inner-sense…

For us in my community house we are organising a big event for tomorrow nights momentous full moon, with moon and sun in conjunct/opposition to uranus which is squaring pluto… The HUGE transit that heralds the change we are in… With the Moon in Aries, it is about initiating the liberation of the feminine, of the mother… We have all the archetypes in place here, with a divine young balinese woman whose voice sings the sounds of the gods ready to share this divinity with the support of all the brothers and the sistars… We are preparing ourselves to represent the starry line up of God/dresses that we are all here to embody as our-cell-ves… Perfect archetypal dramatic unfoldings… Organising to be fearlessly sharing the dream of abundance for all beings…

So beloveds ride the crest of this full moon wave and find an event that supports you to powerfully represent the archetype that you are, here to assist with the co-creation of the emerging New Time!!!


2 Responses

  1. this morning making my breakfast the following song just suddenly appeared in my field and made me sing… – “what a day for a day dream” – hahaha – so funny and nice to know now that it’s blue rhythmic night… 🙂

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