Today is the 13th day of the Mirror wavespell, the 130th day of the 260-day Tzolkin galactic spin… We are at the halfway mark, or the last day of the internal process of spinning from the outside rim of the doughtnut of evolving consciousness to the inner centre, just about to emerge as a dolphin tomorrow jumping from the deep waters of the womb into the light of day… Today is the day of merging with all that is… The hyper receptive embracing deep dark depths of the feminine love principle, nothing and no-one is excluded… All aspects of all is included in this energy today as we merge with all dimensions in the pure presence of love and connectivity – the ultimate web of the divine order of love, connected to all in the transcendant quality of the one heart, one love, one consciousness… Merging, melting as one in deep cosmic unconditional love… Embracing all shadows, all aspects that we resisted loving, can today be brought home and embraced in cosmic union of the divine all…
Today is supported by Red Cosmic Moon… In the presence of the cosmic universal water, exploring the fluid connective waves of purity that connect the nodal points of divine love… Hyper-sensitive to the expansion of the cosmic fluids of purifying consciousness, brilliant and transcendant…
Todays strengthening challenge is Yellow Cosmic Sun, Kin 260… To shine, the connection to the outer rim of the doughnut, expansive and connected to the divine light of consciousness, the expansive opening of the light that independantly shines, co-creating with source itself…
Todays hidden gift is tomorrows energy the Blue Magnetic Monkey… The dolphin jumping out of the deep blue sea of love, the attraction of joy into the void of love, so that it’s re-emergence tomorrow carries the depths of love that today it dives deep into… The innocense, the trust to dive deeply into the heart of love, merging with all in pure joy, as the child to the merging with divine mother compassion…
So beloveds, such a divine day, that I almost could not write in the blessed love of this day…. The divine feminine as its most receptive, at its most transcendant… When we add the day to our own signature it will always become its most divine polarity, its opposite, that we may embrace this and become one and hence become whole, nothing left to resist… So beloveds Bless Bliss Blossom…
Kin 130: White Cosmic Dog ‘Loves Presence’ | Time Waves
Kin 130: White Cosmic Dog ‘Loves Presence’ | Time Waves
So beautifully written, thank you Vasumi <3 … We are doing so much work in our community here with bringing in and grounding the new feminine energy and it is so incredibly beautiful but so incredibly challenging too. Just reading this makes me feel… okay bring it on, I can take the challenges for all of this beauty that's unfolding x
Thankyou Lili for your comment… yes it is the all-embracing inclusion that gives hope that we can pass thru the needle as one into the New Time… and today Magnetic Monkey we may feel the fun of it, as we wriggle loose of the shackles that say we must behave in particular ways… yipppeeeee let the fun begin!! love ya