Good day Planetary Kin…

Today is the 4th day of the Night wavespell… The cycle where we delve deep into the hidden unconscious and recover all that we seek to forget… The modern paradigm carries a fear of death, a fear of the passage from one world to another, a fear of the great unknown and the great unknowable… As revealed to me through the amount of people wanting to ‘know’ what will happen on Dec 21, 2012… No-one knows, it has not happened yet, and we can choose to be excited or frightened, it is truly up to us…

One of the reasons for the fear is that many have not truly embraced the need for the initiation path, in particular the initiation into what is most feared… When we walk towards our fears and embrace them, they all basically answer to the fear of dissolution, the fear of non-existance, the fear that when we die there is nothing there… We may see that we ultimately do not exist and then what is it all for?

We are primarily programmed in a western society that chooses to ignore death, and in this refusal, it appears everywhere… For example, most TV programmes now focus primarily on the crime, misdemeanours and things of the greatest darkness, feeding ever more, the dark, the unknowable and death as a hostile place… So in the customary lack of intelligence of the major paradigm that we have come to expect, we see the setting up of more and more separation in our worlds, more and more fear of that not experienced, resulting in people preferring the comfortable non-life of the known, and a race of people who choose the ‘head in the sand’ reality… To avoid this and awaken to being truly alive, we must take our initiations into our own hands, explore the unknown, plummet the depths, take the inner journey to experience the darkness as a womb of infinite possibility… To experience what it is to plummet to the depths of our own fears, make friends with the shadow, that that motivates our deep subconscious, and surrender to our own unique dreaming that we find there, that guides us to play our part of the puzzle we are here for…

Today we seek to define what it is to surrender our minds to the guidance of spirit, which simply defines the process of in-tuition… Access to the collective unconscious dreaming that we are all involved in… The process of not landing anywhere, or attaching opinions to what we see in the passageway between worlds, but to merely be the witness to all that passes through us.. To speak of death and honour it as the release of all energy attached to any thought forms, that may seek to limit the abundance of our lives, as we bridge worlds beyond worlds ad infinitum…

Today we are supported by Red SelfExisting Skywalker… Awakening defined as the minds hyper-sensitivity to understanding ones place in the web of consciousness… The exploration of the patterns of connectedness, how energy flows from nodal point to nodal point, co-creating sacred patterns, forming shapes that expand consciousness itself, as we expanding worlds beyond worlds beyond worlds…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow SelfExisting Warrior… To define the awakening further as our capacity to choose to look to the ancient wisdom and intelligently quest-i-on the movements of our ancestors and what worked and what didn’t in order to understand the form that awakening has taken in the past… Eg What occurred in the past as mass expansion occurred, as the Renaissance was inspired? What were the artists imparting in their songs and paintings? etc etc… To look to what occurred and allow our intelligence to explore outside of the box in order to fashion and use our own will to co-create the most divine futures possible…

Todays hidden gift is Blue Planetary Eagle… To perfect the bridge of ourselves to others by engaging in the manifestation of the most enlightening visions that guide us towards ‘Abundance for all beings’… Producing networks of people that fuel our most creative ideas and allow them to be manifested, by having the right people for the right jobs, where all fit are necessary in the New Time as a co-creative act, where all have a unique part of the puzzle…

So beloveds, yet another day where we step forward into the New Time, defining the Dream!



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