God Morning Planetary Agents of Change…
So today is the 8th day of the fluid, purifying Moon cycle of 13 days… Today we work primarily in the mental plane, so when we couple the Warriors fearless intelligence with the mental plane and the Moon cycle, we are able to we integrate the pure flow of consciousness by questioning all that is not of the flow…With a solar (Sun guide) intelligence we focus as warrior to root out all thought forms that would not allow the flow of our illuminated mind… Armored with our quest-i-ons, shielded with the weapons of our illumined intelligence, to battle the disharmony of the old paradigm mind, to win the battle of knowing ourselves as pure INtelligence, revealed through our perseverence to get to the root causes of all of our thought forms….
We are supported in this today by Blue Galactic (k)Night… The gallant IN-tuition that comes through our feminine desire to know in order to heal, all that lays in the collective unconscious. The unconscious motivations that would thwart our right to live fearlessly, which is the promise, of living on this divine and abundant planet…
Todays challenge that strengthens is White Galactic Worldbridger, to refine the pathways that connect us from one world to another, to surrender with the compassion that is needed to really allow change… By knowing the roots of our thoughts we can seek to bridge those thoughts to the heart of compassionate mind… To surrender to thinking from the heart where the mind realises that in order for true harmony to be here, we must consider our hearts, to bond with others, knowing that we are all changing here and there is no fault, simply misinformation through lack of heart… To forgive and release our hold on ‘knowing’ in favour of ‘feeling with the mind’ bringing mind and heart into one interdependant intelligence…
Todays hidden gift is Red Rhythmic Serpent, as we integrate our true intelligence, we are gifted with the body intelligence of organising our physical reality for balance, for the survival that honours the Sun as our Source of life… Bringing our bodies and life force into balance through drinking water, breathing air and eating foods that enliven our life force, bringing balance and wellbeing into our lives, and the lives of all we know, that we may sustain our intelligence and fearlessly look to ourselves for the answers that reveal what is required for our survival with Pacha Mama…
We take up this mission in earnest at this time it feels, it feels that no longer can we sit by and allow the rape and mutilation of the feminine aspects of each one of us, first and foremost our beautiful Pacha Mama… And to get to the roots of where this dishonouring comes from we must quest-i-on every thought form that is held in the collective mind… To question how we identify ourselves and whether that is pro-life or not, and have the courage to change every thought form until we are glistening as radiant sparks of love and light…