
God morning…

Today is the 6th day of the Wind wavespell… Today works primarily on the physical plane, the dimension where Hand literally means Hand, and our hands are busy doing all that we need to do to accomplish balance.. It is time to organise all that is needed to walk forward with spirits messages… Personally I have the flu today, so healing is definitely on the cards, as I also share more broadly these messages on different forums across the web… Organising this day to accomplish a broader network in which to share these messages of spirit, as these hands do the walking…

Todays support is Yellow Rhythmic Human… To find balance and healing through choosing to honour our body wisdom… What does my body tell me today? What is needed to bring an equality to this physical reality I am living in, to bring balance that all cultures may walk in equality on our planet, with the opportunities to share the wisdom and knowledge that assists evolution?… This energy addresses the ancient cultural wisdom that honours the physical reality, while not being defined solely by it… Honouring all that has been that allows us to accomplish more balance in our lives through honouring culture that respects decisions that are pro-life and bring healing…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Rhythmic Earth… To listen to the Earth and her cycles, in order to choose to align our free will by the synchronicities revealed, through navigating our Earths messages of evolution in relationship to our own…

Todays hidden gift is White Galactic Wizard… Integrating healing with a receptive, timeless, meditative mind… Anchoring knowledge received as we become open to the clear reflections of reality mirrored all around us… Open to reflections and being reflected….

So beloveds, we are one in the divine timing of aligning our will to the will of spirit… Play music, drum, dance, sing, write, weave, massage, heal and allow spirit to weave its messages through us, as we accomplish balance in action…

Blessed be


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