hunab-ku-galactic-butterflyHi there Planetary Kin…

So it is that time of year again! Time to order your new 13 Moon Journal/Synchronometer to track the days and keep with Harmonic Time… If you order your book now, it will be delivered to you in time to begin the New Year, on July 26!

This New Year is the 11th year in a 13-year cycle of cleansing and purifying! It is the Blue Spectral Storm year, promising a year of transformation and change… And of course on the political front we can feel this building… It could be a year of rEvolution, as the anomalies in our social systems become more and more apparent to everyone… It is a time for change at a deep level, and we may very well see some fireworks in the collective consciousness, as the pressure of a planetary disharmonic system build to boiling point, and can only burst at its seams…

So forewarned is prepared… I feel we are all ready for the changes that are promised in the collective and will overflow into our own lives… There is probably no better year to dedicate yourself to following the Harmonic Matrix and aligning your being with the natural evolution that occurs daily, to keep us in the flow… It is a good year to choose to live differently, if you are simply getting by in order to pay the bills, look at how you could more passionately live, activating you inner and outer change agent, as that is what is needed for us all to rise and live the lives we were born for… To help to shift the old archaic program by living life differently, join with others to live with more connection and community, we will not do this alone, it will take all of us… Join with others to live more clearly the dreaming of our planet, abundance for all beings, this does not mean that we all make loads of money, this means that we join with others to share our resources and bathe in the abundance of love, physical resources, planning, growing and transforming… And first we must decide, to change, as no one will do it for us, we must make the choice ourselves and ACTIVATE!

So beloveds, a big and wonderful year is on the horizon, let us welcome it!

I would like to share a wonderful blog by Heidi Neilson after attending a 2-day Dreamspell Activation with myself and Ausierra GoForth and also attending some of my Sunday classes here in Ubud, Bali… It is so wonderfully and transparently written, it is full of her journey in receiving this timely wisdom and how it affected her consciousness and life… The link is … I know you will enjoy it as much as I have… And thank you Heidi for being such an inspiration as the Red Resonant Serpent you are…

Galaxy RisingI have made a commitment to do 260 days of 1-min videos each morning, to share the Dreamspell ENERGY OF THE DAY on Facebook, thru TimeWaves – the Evolution rEvolution… These vids are also being loaded as archives on my YouTube channel, feel free to subscribe there… Although so far there are only vids of 3 Wavespells (13-day cycles), we may have included your Birth Kin, or Year Kin, or you can return in some time to find your Kin… If you do not know your Kin for your life, or for this year, you can find it by entering your dates for your birth or year here

So beloveds, if any out there would like to receive deeper teachings around Natural Time and the Harmonic Matrix, there are many ways to connect to receive the wealth of my 20 years of tracking the Tzolkin of the Mayan Dreamspell… You can opt for personal sessions; or personal classes (set of 4, an inexpensive way to receive enough deep learning to begin to teach others); consider setting up a workshop for your local community and invite me or other teachers that I am in contact with across the planet to teach, and I do travel as well, feel free to talk to me further about this; invite me to any festivals to share Dreamspell Theatre and/or workshops, or anything else you can think of as ways to co-create in sharing this deep wisdom path… I am open to co-creating retreats; or attending your retreats to share personal or group sessions with participants, to open to greater potentials of raw, essential beingness… I am making myself open and available for anything, in this 9th year of pulsing the World-Bridger…

So blessed be dear heArts and if you would like to order a journal, just send me a message and we can swap payment details and addresses to send to… The books are $25 which includes postage, and wholesale pricing is available for bigger orders…

In lak’ech


4 Responses

  1. Hi Vasumi,

    I would like to pre-order the BLUE SPECTRAL STORM diary, somehow I cannot find it where on your site. Please help me 🙂


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