Hey beloveds…

Well that was some Full Moon – we spent it at the beach with the fire and singing and sleeping on the beach in Uluwatu… so awesome to be with sun, sand and surf again… I realised I nearly always live near the sea, and living in Ubud, up the mountain some is different for me, and lovely… oo but the sun and surf always cleanses and cleans at such a deep level…

Ok so today is the 6th day of the Human wavespell, today is also the 11th day of the second Lunar Moon…

Today is Kin 97, the 6th day of the cycle of 13 days, today is self-guided, meaning Earth guided by Earth… Today we organise the physical reality for balance by listening for the right timing of the messages of the Earth, to evolve in synchronicity, to listen to her messages, to honour the past, to see what is now, to know what will come… To Dance, to play music, to hula hoop to listen and be in the groove…

Today is supported by White Rhythmic Wind, self-guided, in the Earth wavespell… So again a great day to allow the breath to move through us, to sing, dance, write, and allow the Earth to to embue us with her own timing, evolving us forward with every breath as the conduits of Spiritual Evolution…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Rhythmic Hand, self guided, in the Wind wavespell… To accomplish through allowing healing of the physical body, by allowing movement that heals our bodies…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow Galactic Seed, guided by the Star, in the Earth wavespell… Integrating timing and evolution through focusing our minds wholly on the potential of seeing ourselves as connected within the cycles of time… Co-creating beauty with others to seed the new Earth…

So beloveds a beautiful day to dance, sing, hoop, co-create and allow consciousness to send its rhythms through our bodies to bring us into balance and alignment…

Blessed be


3 Responses

  1. Thank you very much Vasumi for this interesting space about The Law Of Time. I’m interested in it from 2004 and Arguelles message resonate in Catania, Sicily( Triangland:-)!!!
    I Love You all great souls, I share my I AM with all of you, together We Are The Ones WE Are Looking For. In Divine Friendship, IN LAK’ECH from your Francesco Red Lunar Dragon 23-6-1975

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