Good Morning Beloveds everywhere…

Wow talk about MEGA-inspired this morning… I am noticing that there are folk out there that have hit on the formula to truly create a worldwide shift through the opportunities granted us in this cyber-world… It is a WOW as I look through the websites of The Shift Network … These guys have truly got it together, and are also holding the gates open to support each one of us to share our messages and work with the world… This is truly a tidal wave of awakening that is fully inclusive of all to live our most abundant and meaningful lives… As I say I am MEGA inspired and so happy to share it with you all…

So this all feels so fitting today on this 8th day of the Human wavespell, where the foundation energy is the that of Free Will and choices that reflect the greatest wisdom of humanities evolution so far…

Today we integrate that energy through allowing the change to occur through being guided by our intuitive minds that lead to the great abundance for all beings, bringing the great change and energy to be shared freely again with all while encouraging every being to transform into allowing their unique gifts and offerings to be seen, heard and activated… What a WOW for the Earth, Humanity and all of evolving consciousness…

Today we are supported by Yellow Galactic Sun, guided by the Seed, in the Skywalker wavespell… WOW again… To model the truly illumined mind that is guided by the desire to co-create with other bright minds in order to expand and awaken…

Todays challenge that strengthens us is Red Galactic Moon, guided by the Skywalker, in the Wind wavespell… To harmonise our minds through allowing the flow of pure awakened consciousness to stream through us… Accessing Spirits messages as conduits for this Great Shift we are experiencing together…

Todays hidden gift is White Rhythmic Wind, self guided, in the Earth wavespell… Finding balance as we allow ourselves to connect deeply into our breath, as we breathe this change into our bodies… Allowing the shift to assist the Birthing of the New through our breathe, whether we be dancing, doing yoga, swimming, singing, anything that allows the body the time and space to listen to the breathe as a key to the evolution that can only occur as we deepen our connection to the density of our body, allowing Spirit full passage into the depths of the Earth, through the conduit of our physical forms… Ah the Awakening, Ah the devine momentum of change that is occuring through us as we choose to be co-creatvie change agents with our divine Mama Earth and all of Creation…

So beloveds, another glorious day of life on this heaven of Planet bEarth… Sending love from this most expanded heart to you all… Blessed be…




3 Responses

  1. BU2ful beautiful words!!!! Love the new word bEarthed! We be earthed earth-Ed birthed beautiful! Thank you!
    In beauty and gratitude,
    ~shining otter

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