G’day planetary kin…

So have not got to this till the end of the day in Indonesia, which is still the beginning of the day elsewheres and day over in New Zealand… So better late than never…

Sometimes the days just go by and there is no cognizant thought around it, this is a day such as this for me… So I now come to write and there is only the moment, so let’s see what this moment pours thru…

Blue Crystal Night, reminisisces of a crystal champagne glass with bubbles bursting their effervescence..

Of wonderful daydreams long forgotten rising to remind us that they have not yet gone, only delved deeper under the debris of lifes immediacy…

Of visions of a community of abundance shared with friends…

Yellow Crystal Warrior supports this dreaming with its fearless focus on creating the beauty that inspires us to all pitch into the mission together… Holding the dreams up high and choosing to go for it, because if not now when?

Red Crystal Skywalker challenges and strengthens us to express instinctively in the moment all that reveals our expansion into the collective dreaming…

White Lunar Mirror is the gift that anchors us into body as temple, honouring its deep connection to Earth… Alignment through the heart like a sword pointing to the centre of our Pacha Mama, giving thanks for this deep anchoring that is necessary for us to face the intensity that shall arise in us two days from now with the advent of the Serpent wavespell…

So there beloveds is a little to chew on… you may note that the structure of these offerings is changing, and I guess this may keep it a little interesting for us…

so bless and dream deep dear ones, and re-member the abundant communities are on there way as long as we keep allowing them to bubble up and hold the vision…


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