Good Morning Planetary Visionaries…  for we are all visionaries today!

Today on this 11th day of the Serpent wavespell, we release the built up life force into the future, with our far-seeing inner vision… Flying above the confines of normal life, bigger pictures and creative visions are revealed to us today, in order that we may focus on futures that ensure the highest potentials for all that we are co-creating…

We are supported in this today my Yellow Spectral Seed, the liberation of the deep receptivity we have harnessed over these last days, in order to spring our focus towards the highest potential we can envision to co-create and bring freedom to the many heightened frequencies that have entered us over the past 11 days…

The challenge yet strength is Red Spectral Serpent, releasing the visions that have guided us to allow them to spring into the moment of active initiation of life force… Allowing the instinctive response to direct us deeper into the depths of this moment, liberating the active movement forward…

Todays hidden gift is White Electric Worldbridger, guided by the Dog, in the Seed wavespell… Activating our capacity to surrender to the heart, reaching out to bridge the worlds necessary in order to co-create the New Time!

Today while in deep meditation I received the divine visions of seeing my work emerge as a daily yogic practise devoted to the energies of the day, including asana, breathwork, guided meditation/visualisation and the myriad other modalities practised throughout a lifetime on the spiritual path… These visions were extremely clear and I was also shown a divine range of adornments and clothing to enhance the daily energies … Oh this Spectral Eagle truly liberates all the life force created and received over the past 10 days of Galactic Activation Portals where we received divine energies from dimensions beyond that which we are aware of…  Keep an eye out for an upcoming retreat in which this work will be bEarthed as we come together to explore what it is to deeply immerse in the New Time beyond the confines of a day to day life of the old paradigm… A true experimental capsule within which to immerse completely in the 1320 harmonic module – as if we ever are not in reality!!! So that is the vision coming thru me today… feel free to share yours and may we assist each other to co-create the New Time with the visions we all receive… Feel free to add anything to this vision or share what has come thru to you that others may assist you to co-create…

Here are some divine bigger picture sites to check out around the Age of Aquarius, The Grand Ages and The Emerging Feminine. Enjoy and Blessed be!


In lake’ch (I am another yourself)


4 Responses

  1. I can absolutely see you activating and manifestisting this new “Mayan Yoga Path” in a few years it will be spoken of in the samne breath as Ashtanga, Hatha or Iyengar yoga…so be it! Love ya big time!

    1. Oh thankyou beloved… that is awesome coming from you Eagle Mama, inspiring the action, thankyou for ‘seeing’ it and holding there in the collective for us all…. Love you long long time…

      1. Dearest Kin ,Aloha a special day big lovexx ion Quiche count I am 11 eagle ,in Dreamspell 8 earth ,so I marry my other self have done for many years to integrate ,a visionary download of noosphericus Australis my new website will be up and running soon ,mystery of the stone !! Lost generation reborn!! Aho supreme golden maiden xx electric mirror xxxxxred GLactic earth reborn kin 177

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