G’day beloveds…

As I write my first blog since returning to this great and ancient continent of Gondwanaland, the dreaming continent of Australia… I can feel a different quality under my feet, the solid grounding of this huge land that stretches for thousands of miles eastward, as I arrive on the western edge of this land, at the end of a huge desert… In contrast, the memory of Bali feels like bobbing around on an island in the middle of the Earths vast seas, here there is a grounding quality that makes all my bodily functions answer to the gravity, and a big relaxing into the earth, as though it is safe to finally touch the Earth deeply… In Bali it is like an island that exists in the heavens and its divine pull to levitate and know ourselves as one with the angels overcomes us… And so the balance is a divine thing to experience, the pulls to the wonderful extremes that our birth on this divine planet offers us…

And so today is the 4th day of the Seed Wavespell, and in the busy-ness of traveling, my first day of this cycle to put hands to computer to deliver some words to you… The Magnetic Seed was Kin 144 and as such augurated the beginning of the cycle of co-creation of the New Time. Just as the Seed rises with the potential informed by its roots, which receive messages of the Earths yearning, to reach to its beloved light, the Sun… And so this Seed cycle calls us to focus strongly on our highest potential, to become the illumined beings we know our-cell-ves to be at our core, to become this manifest on the planet… Seeding the New Time…

And so it is interesting to me, that I am feeling so grounded, and as I look to the codes I see that Red Lunar Serpent, the second day of the Seed cycle, did pull us down to our root, our base primal nature connected deeply to the tides and cycles of our beloved Mother Earth. And I know why it was important for me to travel before that day, so that my roots would not be torn up by flying across a sea after that date…  So my roots seeking deeply into the soil of this land, in order to bring the dreaming messages up through my own kundalini serpent arising…

The third day, yesterday, of the Seed wavespell was White Electric Worldbridger, to activate emotional bonds with others in order to co-create… This was also the first of 10 days when the Galactic Portals are open, heralding in a download of fresh and new information from the cosmos…

And so today is the fourth day, the Blue SelfExisting Hand, guided by the Night, which explains why I have spent most of today alone in the dream and catching up with all communication that furthers the coming dreaming… To define the dream we are co-creating with all those that I will be organising workshops, prayerformances and silent ceremonies with as we head to the divine date of Dec 21… To allow our intuition to feed us the knowledge that we need in order to harness our capacity for co-creation… To receive all knowledge of growth as it springs into our intuition direct from the seeds that we handle as we eat, garden and grow… The seeds of knowledge that inform us, as we witness what it is to grow… Today is the second of the GAP (Galactic Activation Portal) days…

Today is supported by Yellow SelfExisting Human… Defining the pure flow of consciousness, as using our free will to choose the greatest harmony, the choices that create greater and greater harmonic mandalas that are pro-life and growth…

The challenge that strengthens is Red SelfExisting Earth, which assists us to listen for the right timing, to express all that we receive from the timeless zones of interdimensional consciousness…

And todays hidden gift is White Planetary Wizard, anchoring ever more deeply with our breath, to create a deep receptacle within for the pure raw energy which will assist the coming growth… Rather like pressurising water or oxygen deeply into the ground, so that we may ride the current of it upwards as the pressure is released… Which will assist us to grow into our highest potential…

I so love how this study reveals the divine geometries of the connections of all the codes to navigate us forward in divine evolution, it is Positively absolutely fascinating!

So sending all deep and grounded love as we anchor our roots deeply to receive Gaias dreaming, that we may be her messengers to the stars through our own illumination… Our own unique potential shining as a gift from mother Earth to father Sky! Blessed be!


2 Responses

  1. I wake with time free wow what a beautifull feeling xx all in synchronic order what is being free it’s in no time heart knowing and allighnment with H UNABKu and father sun is showing his face now hbouncing on my head I feel I’m putting on my crown xx

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