Today is the 4th day of the Wind wavespell… Today we define what it is to channel and allow ourselves to be the conduits for spirits messages… This occurs when the primal mind is able to respond instinctively to any impulses and allow direct communication to be expressed… We are all Spirit, we are the direct expression of consciousness evolving through us, and when we are able to allow the mind to express directly without any filters, this then becomes Spirit expressing through us…
This is supported by White SelfExisting Wizard which defines what it is to trust the instinctive mind, which is when the mind is receptive and guided by the heart to receive the interconnectedness of all things… Defining the magic of receptivity to the timeless deep-end-dance of inclusivity…
The challenge that strengthens this energy is Blue SelfExisting Eagle, again trusting the vision that is inherited through the most wise of the ancient wisdoms that travel through our ancestral lineages on this planet… The bigger picture which reveals the interconnectedness of spirit as we see the connectedness between our own free will and the will of spirit…
The hidden gift is Yellow Planetary Warrior, manifesting healing through facing our fears and doing it anyway, focusing fully on the highest potential there is to gain, as we accomplish what it is we set out to do, without giving in to old programmes and patterns that seek to limit our capacities…
So beloveds a wonderful and strong day this has been for me, and I bid you good night, as the Serpent grabbed me early in the morning and I did not have a moment to get to share this till now in this evening time… I shall sleep well for tomorrow it will be one Galactic Spin (260 days) since my last bEarthday, and I shall awaken to my birthing after 260 days from conception of this evolutionary learning I have been in for this cycle… blessed be
I think perhaps this is me described….
Red Serpent/Red Moon/Blue Eagle/Yellow Warrior/White Wizard….